Preacher: Michael Raburn | Series: Metanoia
Sermons Topic: Community
Flatlanders Sunday
Preacher: Flatlanders | Series: Flatlanders Sunday This morning we hear about the heart and vision of Flatlanders Inn - our community on the 2nd and 3rd floors. Julie Kettle shares…
Flatlanders Sunday
Preacher: Flatlander | Series: Flatlanders Sunday This morning we hear about the heart and vision of Flatlanders Inn - our community on the 2nd and 3rd floors of our building.…
Community Life Sunday
Bible Text: Proverbs 27:17Series: Vision Night This morning we hear some stories of opportunities to move from "attending to belonging" and from "consuming to serving". Everyone needs somewhere to belong…
Flatlanders Sunday – Upstairs
Preacher: Flatlanders, Jeff Leighton This morning Brian James and Jeff Leighton share their experiences in Flatlanders Inn.
Flatlander’s Sunday – Downstairs
Preacher: Amanda Leighton, Flatlanders This morning Amanda Leighton, Kelly Dvorak, Gord Holmstrom and Naila Janzen share about their experiences involved with Flatlanders Inn.