Meet our Pastoral Team

We asked the team a few questions.  This is what they said about themselves and each other:

Mauritz & Estelle van den Heever

Mauritz van den Heever









 Violet Rademaker

Words that best describe Violet:
• Caring, Servant-hearted, Wise, Calm, Devoted, Nurturing

• People person, love worship, love prayer.

Most influential books:
• “A Severe Mercy” by Sheldon Vanauken, “Pride & Prejudice” by Jane Austin,

Where did you grow up (assuming you did)?
• Winkler area & Arnaud, Manitoba

How do you spend your days off?
• Quilting, Playing piano, reading

Areas of leadership in the Vineyard:
• Pastor, Prayer & Prophetic


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4 thoughts on “Meet our Pastoral Team

  1. We are welcoming you all to come and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ here in India among the unreached villages..

  2. I have always said, and probably will continue to say, that this is the most amazing leadership team I have ever known. We were with you for over 20 years and are missing you all this first year of our move❤️

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