Calling all “Yarners” and “Rockers” for Advent

Hi everyone, as part our creative initiative around Advent this year Beckie Wood is spearheading a community art project and is inviting all ‘yarners’ to come together on Sunday, Dec. 23.

Sunday, Dec. 23 during our worship gathering.

BEING TOGETHER: Sharing, listening, hearing, grieving, discovering hope

The civil rights movement in 1950’s was started by people sitting around in rocking chairs.
God among us and working as we gather and talk, share experiences, listen, hear reality, grieve together and discover hope.
It’s no hype.
No official meeting or prayer service.
It’s simply showing up for one another and gathering with each other; with our community.
God is in this.
Rocking chairs are art. They’re rhythmic, soothing, beautiful, and good ones are noteworthy – usually simple designs but difficult to build.

During the service on Sunday Dec. 23rd, yarners will be sitting in chairs around the room (and some in rocking chairs) crocheting and knitting. They will make squares about the size of a hand.
It is a symbol of gathering together.
Being together in the waiting.
In a calm and soothing posture.

(We will have a basket of yarn and needles, but please bring your own if you have.)

At the end of the service, as we come together at the communion table, we can take the squares we have created and pin them up as a bunting. On this Sunday, we will attach the squares to a string with clothes pins. Later, Beckie will attach them together with a simple crochet chain. It will hang in our space as a visual reminder of our collective waiting.

We’d love to have you participate. And please – invite a fellow crocheter or knitter! We are in this all together.

(If you won’t be at church this particular Sunday, you can still participate. Create a square on your own and give it to Beckie and she will make sure it is added to the bunting).