We know it can be intimidating navigating your way in a new community. Here you’ll find info on some of the many activities, groups, events and service opportunities at the Vineyard.
If you’re new to the Vineyard, we encourage you to check out our “New to the Vineyard?” page. It is designed to help you discover who we are and how to connect. If you need help finding your ‘next step’ in the Vineyard, please don’t hesitate to contact us or fill out our contact form. Coffee (or tea!) is on us!
1) GROUPS: Somewhere to belong
Everyone needs somewhere to belong. We recognize that while Sunday mornings are important, they don’t necessarily provide a place to belong. Relationships are central to everything we do at the Vineyard. Often they develop organically but there are a number of organized ways to help you find a place to belong.
Home Groups – Small groups that meet regularly in people’s homes for worship, prayer, study, discussion, snacks, friendship, etc.
Youth Groups – Junior High Youth (grades 7-8), Senior High Youth (grades 9-12).
2) SERVICE: opportunities to give and grow
There are many opportunities to share in the Vineyard. Generosity is one of our Core Practices. Sharing our skills, resources, stories and our time are all part of practicing generosity. We encourage everyone to find somewhere to serve. There are many opportunities in the regular communal life of the Vineyard, but there are also many other opportunities in our individual lives. Both are valid and valuable. Listed below are a few opportunities to serve the gathered community.
Sunday Gathering – coffee, welcome, projector, sound, musicians
Kid’s Church – gifts for God, group leaders
Prayer Ministry – pray for people
Hospitality – cook, welcome guests
If you have other ideas, please let us know. We’d be excited to see how your vision, skills and unique gifting can find a place to flourish in the Vineyard.
3) TRAINING: equipping for the journey
There are many regular and one time events designed to bring health and strength to the community. Here are a few of the regular classes, courses, seminars and events that we run – usually at least once a year. Check the calendar for upcoming training events.
Schools of Spiritual Direction
Parenting Classes
Marriage Courses
Foundations for Relationship Course (8 week course for couples)
Prayer Ministry Training
Conferences & Seminars – once every year or two we will host or promote a conference or intensive seminar.