Advent 2023

Our sermon series for the month of December is called: The Jesus Family Tree. Each week we will be looking at different women in the Bible. We will consider the lives of Sarah, Rahab, Ruth, Mary and Anna. We will be reflecting on the following themes: Hope, Peace, Joy, Love and Anticipation.

Lani Wiens, our Kids and Youth Ministry Director, explained it well:

“From the very beginning, God was creating a family. He was building relationships with a people that He called out to be His own. Unfortunately, those children disappointed, wandered and rejected Him over and over; yet He never gave up on them.

His beautiful plan of redemption spans the arc of history.

Throughout the weeks of December, we will hear God`s story unfolding. Even though it looked like the main tree was cut off, the promised delayed; life and hope were still deeply rooted in God`s heart.

 Isaiah 11:1 says, “Out of the stump of David’s family will grow a shoot— yes, a new Branch bearing fruit from the old root.”

The passage goes on to prophecy about the Messiah and what glorious blessing will come through the new  shoot.”

On the last Sunday of 2023 (December 31) we will take a closer look at Anna, Lady in Waiting (Luke 2:36 -38).

*Remember to collect your interactive advent preparation guide at church this Sunday.