Sing It! The Songs of Advent in Luke’s Gospel

This season we will examine the Advent songs in Luke’s gospel which speaks of God’s faithfulness.

Dec 1: Mary’s Song – Jesus came to fulfill a promise. Luke 1:46-56.  Mary’s song praises God for His mercy & faithfulness. We will take a look at her story, and see how the words of her worshipful song reveal the glory of what God accomplished through Jesus.

Dec 8: Zechariah’s Song – Jesus came to save humanity. Luke 1:67-80.  Zechariah’s song praises God for keeping His promises. Let’s find out who Zechariah was, and examine the truths that are revealed through his words about God’s Messiah.

Dec 15: The Angels’ Song – Jesus came to bring peace. Luke 2:14.  The angels sing of glory to God & praise Him for bringing peace on earth. We’ll look at the story of the Shepherds and focus on the significance of why the angels sang proclamations of glory and peace.

Dec 22: Simeon’s Song – Jesus came to reveal God’s truth to everyone. Luke 2:29-32.  Simeon’s words aren’t technically referred to as a “song.” We’re talking a little poetic license here. His words were an outburst of praise to God upon seeing the baby Jesus. (That qualifies as a song.)  Simeon praised God for fulfilling His covenant with Abraham to bless all people through Israel. Tell the story of Simeon and Anna, and focus on the significance of Simeon’s words of praise.

Dec 24:  Christmas Eve in Candlelight

Dec 29: Always Levelling Up : God’s Work In Us Never Ends.  2 Corinthians 3:7-18.  This stand-alone lesson on 2 Corinthians 3:18, focuses on the idea of “Ever increasing glory.” God’s transformational work in our lives is constant and never-ending. We never arrive, but continually grow closer to God. As we do so, we continually experience newer and greater levels of spiritual growth and faith in Jesus.

Advent 2023

Our sermon series for the month of December is called: The Jesus Family Tree. Each week we will be looking at different women in the Bible. We will consider the lives of Sarah, Rahab, Ruth, Mary and Anna. We will be reflecting on the following themes: Hope, Peace, Joy, Love and Anticipation.

Lani Wiens, our Kids and Youth Ministry Director, explained it well:

“From the very beginning, God was creating a family. He was building relationships with a people that He called out to be His own. Unfortunately, those children disappointed, wandered and rejected Him over and over; yet He never gave up on them.

His beautiful plan of redemption spans the arc of history.

Throughout the weeks of December, we will hear God`s story unfolding. Even though it looked like the main tree was cut off, the promised delayed; life and hope were still deeply rooted in God`s heart.

 Isaiah 11:1 says, “Out of the stump of David’s family will grow a shoot— yes, a new Branch bearing fruit from the old root.”

The passage goes on to prophecy about the Messiah and what glorious blessing will come through the new  shoot.”

On the last Sunday of 2023 (December 31) we will take a closer look at Anna, Lady in Waiting (Luke 2:36 -38).

*Remember to collect your interactive advent preparation guide at church this Sunday.


Honest Advent

It seems like this Christmas season, perhaps more than any other in recent memory, God is inviting us to peel back the layers of glittery seasonal branding and get honest and gritty about what God-with-us means in our hurting, broken and beautiful world.

This Advent season join us as we explore the shocking nature of the Creator of the universe showing up in the womb of a 1st century young woman. We will ponder this wondrous act of vulnerability. We will marvel at this brazen act of love. We will place ourselves in the story of redemption that began in a climate of tension, upheaval and uprising.

We will allow a young peasant woman’s simple shaky “yes” to point the way forward amidst our own confusing and disorienting times.

Mary responded, “I am the Lord’s servant. May everything you have said about me come true.” 

Luke 1:38

Let’s awaken to the wonder of God-with-us as we follow Mary’s lead and say:

  • Yes to God…
  • Yes to Mystery…
  • Yes to Love…

This is gritty and real. And powerful. 

It’s what our world needs. 

It’s what we need.


Join us Sundays as we explore an Honest Advent. 

  • Nov 28 – Andy will explore Mary’s “yes”.
  • Dec 5 – Celebration Service
  • Dec 12 – Krista will help us pay attention like the Magi.
  • Dec 19 – We will engage the wonder of the incarnation through music, art and interactive stations.
  • Dec 24, 6pm – Christmas Eve Service – “A Light is Given”
  • Dec 26 & Jan 2 – We will have shortened services (no Kid’s Church)

The Word gave life to everything that was created, and his life brought light to everyone. 

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it. 

John 1:4-5

You might want to include this new release from Vineyard Worship in your Christmas soundtrack this year. Enjoy it on Spotify, Apple Music or Youtube. You can get it here.

Sundays, 10am

  • In person at 782 Main St. (masks and physical distancing required)
  • Streamed live on Facebook
  • Viewed afterwards on Facebook or on our Sermon page.


Download the Honest Advent Artshow Guide – Dec 19, 2021 Gathering

This series is based on the book “Honest Advent” and on art by Scott Erickson.



Christmas Eve Service, 6pm (online)

We’re excited to be doing Christmas Eve online via Zoom this year. We’ve got some fun for all ages planned. We hope you can join us with your warm drink in hand, a candle ready to be lit, and hearts full of anticipation for the arrival of Jesus!

December 24, 6pm via Zoom.

Watch your email for the link to the Zoom meeting which will be sent out within 48 hours beforehand. If you don’t get emails from WCV, please contact the office to receive the Zoom link.

Advent & Christmas

Wait a minute… We’re talking about Advent and Christmas already?! Wasn’t it just yesterday we were walking around in sandals? In this year of incredible disruptions, we now find ourselves at the front end of the season of Advent. Of all the things we don’t know, one thing we know for sure is that this season won’t be like any of the other Christmases we’ve experienced. Yet, the core reason we celebrate remains unchanged. The challenge is to find ways to root ourselves in the beauty of the CHRISTmas season while living in the times we do.

What does it mean for us to wait for the Messiah in this season with many of our regular traditions stripped back? There will be no huge parties, no group celebrations or traditional fanfare and, most likely, no large extended family gatherings. That’s a lot of “no”s! What does it look like for us to say “yes” to Jesus and still prepare to celebrate his coming in a time like this? This year our guiding idea for Advent is “Getting Ready to Celebrate”.

Each Sunday there will be a theme leading us in progression to Christmas Eve – all aimed at helping us get ready to celebrate Jesus’ coming and presence among us: Invitation > Preparation > Waiting > Arrival. Along with each Sunday’s theme there will be an “engagement activity”. These will be fun and simple opportunities to explore the topic in a practical and creative way. Advent packages explaining these activities will be delivered before advent to every household with a child or youth – but this does’t preclude others from participating. As everyone does participate in the activity, we’re encouraging us all to take pictures and post to our Facebook or Instagram using the hashtag: #WCVadvent2020. Instructions will be given online every Sunday morning.

A Ham for everyone: Sadly, we’re not going to be able to gather together as we have in years past to enjoy each other’s company at our annual feast. However… we have purchased a whole hog-load of hams (say that fast 10 times!) and we’d like everyone in WCV to get one. The idea is simple: to bless everyone in the community and provide opportunities for connection. We are going to package up the hams along with some extra supplies for our Christmas Eve service this year. You can watch for these deliveries mid December.

Speaking of Christmas Eve, we’re working on plans and will update you as they are firmed up.

Lastly, if find yourself struggling this season, please don’t do so alone… reach out to your Home Group leader, a member of the Leadership Team, Andy at the office, or a trusted friend. If you know of someone who could use some extra groceries, please contact the office and we can make arrangements to share some food (we will give you an extra ham and you can add to it to make a meal). We are here to help.

Cover Photo by Cristian Escobar on Unsplash

Get Into the Story!

Christmas time can provide some great opportunities to explore the Christmas story. I encourage you, in whatever situation you’re in, to make some time to read through the events chronicled in scripture regarding Jesus’ incarnation. Here are some suggested readings. You’ll notice that we’ve been exploring a few of these passages in our Advent series this year. Enjoy!

Luke 1:26-38

(The Angel visits Mary, Mary’s response, the Magnificat – Mary’s song of worship)

Matthew 1:18-25 or Luke 2:1-7

(Matthew: The engagement, Joseph’s dream; Luke: Census and short birth narrative)

Luke 2:8-20

(The Shepherds see the Angelic Host)

Matthew 2:1-12

(The Wise Men come from the East)

Christmas Feast – Pie Sign Up

Our Christmas feast is less than two weeks away! Jessie Penner, who has in previous years helped organize and cook for our feast, is also helping organize the feast this year! As she shared this past Sunday, she is needing some pies donated for our dessert at the feast.

If you’re able and willing to donate a pie or two (or three, or more!) please contact Jessie to let her know of your plans. Any pies that you want to drop off at the church for Jessie to pick up can be done so tomorrow (Thursday the 5th) or on Sunday morning, December 8th, so Jessie can take them home to cook!

To email Jessie, click here.

>>>Christmas Feast Details:

Sunday, December 15th @ 12 pm in the Sanctuary! (Families will eat together in the studio).

Hope to see you at the feast! Merry Christmas!

Humble King – Royalty meets Humility

We are now into the season of Advent – the beginning of the Christian calendar. This year we are going to be exploring humility in Jesus’ incarnation. The astounding wonder that God chose to reveal himself as a baby, a working class carpenter, a Saviour who washed his disciple’s feet, as the Lord who was obedient, even obedient to death on a cross… this is an amazing picture of humility. The Almighty God becoming an all-vulnerable human.

We will be centring our reading in the ancient hymn in Philippians 2:1-11. We encourage you to stew in it each week (we will help you with this because we’ll be praying it together each Sunday). We’ve also provided a booklet to help you follow along – just a little gift to you in this season. Also, we’d like to encourage you to invite a friend to church during this season! Perhaps they too, can encounter this astounding humble king who changes everything.

>>Get your gift booklet and follow along.

They’re available at the Info table.

>>December 2: The Humble King of Hope

>>December 9: The Humble King of Peace

David and Anita Ruis (Vineyard Canada National Directors, and WCV Founding pastors) will be with us.

>>December 16: The Humble King of Joy

Our Kids and Youth will be leading the service and we will have our annual WCV Community Feast after the service.

>> December 23: The Humble King of Love

>> December 24:  The Humble King of Heaven – Christmas Eve service (6pm – 7pm)

>> December 30: Living In Humility, Living In Christ

>> January 6: Celebration Service



Christmas at the Vineyard, 2017

Hey folks! So the Christmas season is upon us once again! (Hold on as I pour myself another mug of eggnog).

Below are a few events I’d like to highlight that will be happening at the Vineyard for this 2017 Christmas season:

  • Our kids and youth will be leading us in worship and throughout the morning on December 10th for our annual Kids Service Sunday.
  • On December 17th right after the service we want to celebrate and feast together as a family and community for the annual Christmas Feast!
  • On December 24th, as it is both a Sunday and Christmas Eve, we will gather in the morning for a shortened Christmas Eve Service from 10-11:15 a.m. Please note there will be no evening service on this day.
  • We will also have a shortened service on December 31st from 10-11:15 a.m. for a New Year’s Eve Service.

Through all the hustle and bustle that the Christmas season brings, let’s remember our Centre, whom we are celebrating.


Gifts 4 God & Imaginative Prayer

Hey parents of kids Grades 1-12!

We’d like to catch you up with what we have been doing in Elementary kids church and to prepare you for the break as we launch into our Gifts4God season. You literally can “catch up” as we break until the regular program resumes on Jan 14th. We’d like to help you understand how the Imaginative Prayer book can power you up in spiritually leading your kid/youth/family.

What we’ve been doing: We are really excited about how we’ve been exploring the Imaginative Prayer book with the Grade 1-4 class @ WCV. The Grade 5-7 class are also following along! The first six weeks we’ve had various leaders lead in the Imaginative Prayer in the large group. All four of us who have led in some way so far, have been a part of Spiritual Direction in these last two years. What a delight it is to now be able to lead the kids in this. Jared Boyd, the author of Imaginative Prayer, was our teacher and is our friend! Thanks to Gloria Fligg and all of our small group leaders in Kids church; we’ve had a wonderful start this fall.

Using the “Imaginative Prayer” book to power your spiritual leadership:

  1. The parent or mentor section: It can be easy to go through our week, not giving time or space for God to speak to us, especially with the busyness of our schedules, but the book can save you time by giving you something to build off of. We encourage you as parents to briefly/deeply look at the “parent or mentor” section of the chapter with your kids.
  2. This past week: Cliff led us in Chapter 6.  Dig in and find out how you can follow up and discuss with your child. See Jodi if you do not yet have a copy of Imaginative Prayer.
  3. We’re in sync: If you have kids in elementary and youth (grade 1-7), you will be happy to know we are in sync with them, so we’re using the same chapter on the same week!


What’s coming up: Gifts4God starts this coming Sunday Oct 29th-Dec 3rd.

What is Gifts4God?   Gifts4God is a time when we get to celebrate how God has made all of our kids and youth in a special way. When we read Psalm 139, we discover that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. Kids get to choose what they love to do, whether it’s art, sports, dance, drama or cooking and they can sign up for what they love! We are so excited to begin this season again.

When?  Gifts4God will be for the next 6 Sundays Oct 29-Dec 3.  The Christmas Kids & Youth service will be on Dec 10th.

Why?  “I was just getting into the Imaginative Prayer book with my child. Why the change?” Gifts4God is an annual rhythm at WCV. The kids and youth look forward every year to this special time. This break in the regular program will give you some space to check out the book more and discover how it can work for your family in the New Year. We will be on Week 7 on Jan 14 and look forward to having families follow along. Please see Jodi for your free copy and read more about how to use the book.

Please note which class your child has signed up for, so when you are at the computers on Sunday am, you sign them up for the correct class. The list will also be available by the computers on Sunday. Any adjustments that need to be made, we will make them as we go! Please be aware of the various drop off rooms at WCV and pick up spots that will be new for these six weeks. The times remain the same as a regular Sunday with drop off at 10:45 and pick up at 11:45. (Please note that sports will start 5 minutes earlier due to the walk to YFC building. As well any kids or youth in sports must have a waiver signed by parents).

>>WCV Youth Waiver

~ Jodi Labun

A Third + Bird Thank You

Written by Debra Kelly:

On behalf of the Nepali Women’s Co-op I would like to thank all the volunteers of WCV who participated in the Third + Bird Christmas Market this past weekend. These volunteers included:

  • Bakers, many bakers who went above and beyond what they committed to bake and baked more. Thank you for your creations… they were fully enjoyed.
  • Volunteers at the sale. You sold cookies, scarfs, raffle tickets…. you were a friendly face but you worked hard to make a sale and I am proud of all your assertiveness to raise money.
  • For those who helped with setup and take down. Hard work but so appreciated.
  • Jessie Penner and Mercy Au who committed their entire weekend to being at the sale.
  • Krista Heide for making great signs and helping with creative vision.
  • The WCV staff who faithfully support what we do.
  • Chandra Kremski and Charla Smeal (Third + Bird) who have the vision and have worked incredibly hard to make the sale what it is today. They have graciously invited Nepali Women’s Co-op to partner with them even when the market outgrew this church building. Their open heart, passion and generosity is truly appreciated. We look forward to partnering with you in many more sales.

Over $8, 300 was raised at the sale just through the three tables. The next tailoring school is planned for February 2017 in Gorhka.


The Nepali Women’s Co-op will be set up after next Sunday’s service (December 4/16) in the comfy couch room. If you didn’t make it to the Christmas market and want to peruse/shop, items will be for sale. Including scarves, mitts, and slippers. Come by and check it out!


Advent & Christmas at the Vineyard

This year our theme for Advent is “The Heart Has A Home” – a series based in viewing the Christmas story through the gospel of John.  Make sure you pick up a copy of the accompanying booklet from the Info Table so you can follow along with the weekly devotional thoughts and scripture.  In fact, why not take two copies and invite someone to church with you this season!  A little gift and a welcome might just be what someone in your life needs in order to take the next step in their faith journey – you never know what can happen.

As is our tradition, our Christmas Eve service is on December 24 😉 and this year is no different!  It is one hour of beautiful, sublime singing – it’s always a special time.  It is 6pm – 7pm.

This year Christmas Day is on Sunday – so we’ll have a shortened service from 10am – 11:15am.  It will be special, so if you’re not busy with family plans, make sure you join us!

And, lastly, I encourage us all to immerse ourselves in John’s book this season.  Even planning to read a chapter a day from now until Christmas will give you the weekends off.  It’s a unique lens through which to view the Christmas story, and I think it will give life and light to those who who dare to enter.

PS: Thanks, Jessica Williams, for the creative decoration (and creative expression) in the main gathering area.