Vineyard 101: Our history, values and distinctives

One of Wimber’s most famous sayings was “everyone gets to play.” John had a firm belief that ‘everybody gets to play’ by which he was keen to deflect attention away from the person with the microphone, and taught that everyone gets to ‘do the stuff’ not just the person on the stage. He was strongly suspicious of the professionalization of ministry, and wanted ordinary people to feel equipped to participate in God’s kingdom. (Vineyard USA)

Kenn Gulliksen was one of many thousands of young people who came to faith in Jesus Christ in California during what Time magazine called “The Jesus Revolution”, or “Jesus People Revival”, in the late 1960’s. In 1974, after working as an assistant pastor at Calvary Chapel in Costa Mesa, California and planting a church called Jesus Chapel in El Paso, Texas, Kenn and his wife Joannie moved to Los Angeles to begin a ministry that had been on their hearts for several years. Starting as a small Bible study, the fellowship quickly grew into a church. God prophetically gave the name “Vineyard” to those who initially gathered together. In the next few years literally thousands received Jesus Christ through the ministries of the church. Several couples went out and began other Vineyards in California: quickly growing churches with priorities of worship, relationship, healing, training and giving.

John Wimber became a part of the fledgling group of new churches, and by 1981 it soon became obvious that God had called John to pastor the pastors, and to train and encourage men and women to pursue what God had given them. As a result, the people called the Vineyard have reached out to bless and encourage churches all over the world, as well as planting churches. (VSA:

In May and June we will shift our focus to a sermon series entitled: Vineyard 101. We will take time to reflect on our history as a movement. Each week, we will be looking at a specific Vineyard distinctive and discover how these impact our church, community and sphere of influence in our daily lives.

We will be focusing on these values and distinctives for the next eight weeks:

May 7:    Welcome to the Vineyard
May 14:  What is the Kingdom?
May 21:  What is worship?
May 28: Come Holy Spirit (Pentecost)
June 4:  Winnipeg Centre Vineyard History and Distinctives
June 11: Remember the Poor
June 18: Justice (Reconciliation)
June 25: Authentic Community

For more information on these and other values and distinctives please visit Vineyard USA.

Simply Good News: Holy Week Gatherings

For the month of April we will be spending time reflecting on the Good News of Jesus!

We will kick off our new series called “Simply Good News” beginning with the Holy Week (Palm Sunday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday), and will carry on our series reflecting on how we are invited to hear, respond, and share that good news in our world.

We invite you to join with us for the following Holy Week services:

April 2 – Palm Sunday -10am

April 7 – Good Friday – 10am

April 9 – Resurrection Sunday – 10 am

Our Simply Good News sermon series will continue for the month of April:

April 16 – 10am

April 23 – 10am

April 30 – 10am

We hope you can join us!

If you want to dig deeper on your own, check out this book written by N.T. Wright: Simply Good News

Core Connection Course 2022

We are going to be hosting three evenings of storytelling and teaching designed to connect you with the heart, vision and practices of WCV. Sometimes we all need a reminder of why we’re here, what God wants to do among us and through us, and what kind of community we are becoming. These evenings will do just that.

They are for newcomers to the community, old-timers who’ve been around forever, and anyone in between.

Connect to:

  • Our Vision,
  • WCV’s Core Practices & Vineyard Values,
  • Where we’ve come from and where we’re going,
  • The kind of community God is calling us to become, 
  • Each other!

Mondays March 14, 21, & 28 at 7pm at WCV

For those unable to come in-person, please contact the office as we will have an alternate solution for you!

Register Here

 “You didn’t choose me, remember; I chose you, and put you in the world to bear fruit, fruit that won’t spoil. As fruit bearers, whatever you ask the Father in relation to me, he gives you.

John 15:16 (Msg)


Jouth-Youth Activity Calendar for October

It’s hard to believe that the leaves have turned and pumpkin (or apple) season has arrived. Please see the calendar below for Jouth/Youth activities for the month of October.

Due to the small size of our Jouth/Youth team, we’re asking parents to take turns helping out at our Jouth and Youth events. A current Vulnerable Sector Check is mandatory, if you’re not sure when yours expires please check with the office, we’d love to help you get an up-to-date one. Thanks in advance for your cooperation.

Jouth – Fear+Busters – God is bigger than our problems, my faith is stronger than my fear!

Youth – We Are One – (wk 1)Diversity was God’s idea! (wk 2)We are ALL equal! (wk 3) Open hearts lead to open doors!

Manitoba Vineyard Gathering (POSTPONED)

Update (Sept 8, 2021)

Hello Manitoba Vineyard friends,

This is a short note to let you know we have decided to postpone the Manitoba Vineyard Gathering that was originally scheduled for Sept 25.

We are saddened to postpone this event but are hopeful that things will work out in the future. We feel this is the wisest course of action for a few reasons. There is significant sensitivity to gathering in-person which is reflected in lower-that-anticipated registration levels. Second, our out-of-province guests (Melt Van Der Spuy, David and Anita Ruis) are unable to join us. We will be working on an in-person get-together for a later date – watch for those details.

We hope you have an amazing Fall and look forward to when we can gather again.

Until then, grace, peace and wisdom to each of you as you seek first God’s kingdom and his justice in these times.


Original Post: 

This is an invite to everybody in all the Manitoba Vineyard communities (Brandon, Prairie, Cornerstone, West End Abby, WCV). Let’s get together this Fall!

Saturday, September 25, 10am-4pm.

In the morning we will worship together & pray for each other. We will also engage in a contemplative prayer exercise.

Lunch will be a time to connect and nurture friendships in various restaurants in the neighbourhood.

The afternoon will be a time of training. Brady Wilson and Sherry Ansloos will lead us through a series of engaging and interactive exercises and teaching designed to explore the question: “how do individuals and communities get and stay energized?” Brady is from Guelph Ontario and a long-time part of the Guelph Vineyard. He also serves on Vineyard Canada’s National team and is founder and thought leader of Juice Inc. Sherry is a worship leader, storyteller and trainer from Winnipeg Centre Vineyard.

David & Anita Ruis and Melt Van Der Spuy will also be joining us. David & Anita are Vineyard Canada National Directors from Kelowna, and Melt is our Regional Overseeer from Yellowknife.

We’re asking for advance registration so we can manage any restrictions that will be in place this September and so that we can send out more info closer to the date.

P.S. If you are from WCV and missed the Juice training in May, this is your chance to get in on the action. For those who already did the training, you can use this as a refresher!






Photo by A K on Unsplash

Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting will be Monday November 30, 7pm at 782 Main St and online. Please note the date change.

Our purpose here is to bring you up to speed on some important developments in WCV. A few of these changes have been in the works for a few years, other reports are simply what we do on a yearly basis. Our main purpose isn’t so much to inform you with reports, but rather to inspire you about our future together. There are a few shifts in leadership that more accurately reflect the season we are in.

For those who wish to attend remotely, an online meeting invitation will be sent to all current members on our mailing list. Please note that you must register by acquiring a ticket via the emailed invitation as we must have a proper record of attendance. You can watch for this email as we get closer to Nov 30.

You’ll notice that we postponed the date of the AGM from Oct 19 to Nov 30. This was for a few reasons:

  • Because of the need to have a robust forum for remote participation we needed a little more time to fine-tune our new audio and video set-up.
  • We want to ensure maximum participation. Even though we originally published the date on Sept 24 it has become clear to us that we need to do a better job at promoting it.
  • We want to synchronize our Prayer and Fasting with our AGM. We are praying this will be a time of God imparting his guidance and vision to us. We’ll explore this and more at our AGM. Here is more info on our time of Fasting and Prayer.

Street BBQ Report & Thanks

At noon last Thursday, we prepped and distributed 120 hamburgers, chips, drinks, and granola bars in a large Ziploc bag to Main Street. Thinking we’d see everyone at the door was a naive dream. So we went to the street and distributed all the bagged lunches in an hour to the groups in front of the New West Hotel, the Northern Hotel, the 817 Main St High-Rise, and our pocket park. Reconnecting in the future will be us going to the street, not the reverse.

Thanks to all those who helped, Margaret, Lindsay Ward, Elisha, Violet, Kirby, Ramona, Gilbert, Manfred, Andy Wood, and Jeff Cox who all pitched in bagging and distributing.

The spirit of the Lord was on the effort and some recipients even responded to our invitation to reconnect for a hamper. It will be a long journey to normality but we will keep at it.

Next up will be 50 bags to Love Lives Here. Stay tuned for more opportunities to see Jesus in the needy, to bless them with love, and hear His thank-you.

Summer Prayer Meetings

Hey folks!

Thank you to those of you who have been so faithfully praying with us every week! We are going to take a bit of a break for the summer months meeting every other week instead. (Still on Wednesdays, and at 7pm). We hope this will give you time to refresh yourself and enjoy the summer (which can sometimes feel so short)!

Here are the dates we will be meeting:

  • July 8
  • July 22
  • August 5
  • August 19

We will continue to be meeting via Zoom. The link, password, and time slot remain the same. If you are wanting to join our prayer meetings this summer, please email the office for the Zoom link and password!

Have a great summer folks!

Pentecost Sunday – Online Vineyard Gathering

Mark your Calendars for a special Online gatheringOn Sunday, May 31, 2020 – Pentecost Sunday – Vineyard Canada will be hosting a nation-wide Sunday service for all of us to join together! The service will include input from leaders across the nation and will be a great chance to worship together with our big Vineyard Canada family from coast-to-coast-to-coast.

For our timezone here in Winnipeg (CDT) the service will be at 11 am. Please note that we will not be meeting at our regular 10 am timeslot. The service will be streamed live to the Vineyard Canada Facebook page (we will make sure there will be links on WCV’s page) and will be recorded and uploaded to YouTube on the same day for those not on Facebook.

Vineyard Canada Sunday Gathering: May 31, 2020, 11 am (CDT).

Online Prayer Meetings through Zoom

These are times we need to be leaning into prayer of all kinds. St. Theresa of Avilla said, “prayer is nothing more than being on terms of friendship with God.” I hope this is becoming a greater reality for you as you carve out space and time to cultivate an awareness of God in your life in these times.

Tomorrow (Wed, April 1), we’re going to gather again online for a prayer meeting. We will pause to become more aware of God’s presence with us, we will intercede for each other, our community and beyond, and we will connect with God and each other! We come together with the confidence knowing that we can approach God and ask for anything according to his will, that he will hear us (1 John: 5:14). What a great thing!

If you’d like to join, we are using Zoom – an online video conferencing platform (instead of Facebook Live). To join, please email the office for the link! If you have not used Zoom before, we recommend you join 10 minutes early so that you have the time to get your device set up. You’ll be able to join on a computer, tablet or smartphone as long as your device has a video camera, microphone and speakers. It’s not too difficult but there are a few steps that Zoom will guide you through, including testing your microphone and speakers. Once you’re in, Andy will introduce the other features, then Daile will lead us in prayer again.

See you Wednesday at 7 pm!

Update (April 21): Please note that you do not require a Zoom account to participate. If you are accessing the prayer meeting with a computer, nothing needs to be installed – just follow the link in the email and subsequent prompts. If you are accessing it via a phone or tablet, you will be required to install the Zoom app.

This is what our Online Prayer Meeting looked like on April 1 – join us next Wed!