Leadership Developments

As you may know we’ve had a few things on the go for the past several months. Specifically, we’ve been praying and working towards a new leadership situation at WCV. As was announced in our Sunday Gathering a few weeks back and was communicated by email, here is the exciting news:

New Pastors:

We have made offers to both Krista Heide and Mauritz van den Heever and both have accepted!

Mauritz will be WCV’s new Lead Pastor as soon as he, Estelle and Benjamin can get here. The van den Heevers will be joining us from South Africa so it may take some time for them to get to Winnipeg. Because of this Krista will be serving as Interim Pastor (part-time position) to help bridge the gap between Andy stepping away October 2 and whenever Mauritz and Estelle are able to be in Winnipeg.

After the interim period Krista will be working in a part-time pastoral position which will focus on teaching, creative and spiritual formation.

New (Prospective) Elders:

While we’re excited about the pastoral developments we also have some exciting news to share about our Elder team.

Dave and Barb Johns and Deyan and Deanna Momtchilov have agreed to let their names stand as Prospective Elders! This means that they will be functioning as elders for the next season to see if it’s a good fit. The Prospective period lasts until the AGM in 2023 (likely in April) at which time the community is given an opportunity to ratify them. You can read more about our Elder process here.

We’re grateful for God’s continued provision and faithfulness to us as a community. Seek first the Kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be added. This certainly has been our experience as we have endeavoured to seek Jesus above all else. Let’s keep doing that!


Photo by Merakist on Unsplash

The Investigators: Learning to see what the Spirit is doing

This summer we’re going to be sharpening our discernment muscles. We’ve felt a specific nudge to lean into discernment and so we’ve developed a fun and exciting plan for our Sunday Gatherings this summer called, “The Investigators: learning to see what the Spirit is doing”. We are going to be bringing kids church downstairs for the summer because this is something that we can all benefit from, no matter our age. Not only will this make our gatherings more family friendly, it will be an opportunity to learn and experience together across all ages.

Rooted in the John 5:19 scripture in which Jesus says he only does what he sees the Father doing, we’re going to be like detectives on a search to see what the Spirit is up to amongst us. On Sundays we’ll be looking at various Jesus stories – you know, the kind of stories in which Jesus did something dramatic, impactful or loving. Each Sunday we’ll be asking:

  1. What did Jesus see his Father doing in this story?
  2. What do we see Jesus doing in this story?
  3. What is the Spirit inviting me to do?

Each week we’re going to make space to hear how we answered the Spirit’s invitation to us over the past week and we’ll hear a short teaching about the story we’re exploring. There will be object lessons, group activities and options to engage in group discussion around tables. It will be a great summer to bring the whole family.

Let’s get good at seeing what the Spirit is up to together!




Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash


Administration Transition Situation – Update 16 June (Job Posting Re-opened)


We have been very blessed to have Katrin temporarily helping us out in the office for the last 3 1/2 months.  Her diverse skillset was instrumental in technical projects such as implementing the building access systems, check-in systems, and building the church database.

In two weeks’ time she will be moving on to another exciting job.  Thank you Katrin for tackling those intensive tasks in such a wonderfully diligent manner!

We are re-opening the application for the Administrator Position.   Applications will be open until June 30.

Andrew Chan will be working down to a 0.25 part-time position to continue in the bookkeeping role and provide oversight in administrative matters.



We’ve been blessed (lucky) to have Andrew Chan working as our Interim director of Administration and Bookkeeping since August 2020. It is hard to describe how helpful it has been to have his expertise focussed on this part of the church – particularly during a pandemic. His attention to the detail while maintaining a firm grasp on the big picture has been invaluable. Thanks Andrew! As his title suggests, this was always meant to be an interim arrangement. We’ve approached this interim period with the goal of upgrading or implementing various systems and structures that would help the next person or people flourish in these roles which, in turn, would enable us to better accomplish our mission of partnering with God in the redemptive mission we are called to. Let’s hear it for good administration in the Kingdom of God! Yay!

In the next month or so we will be posting a job position for a part-time administrator to begin the process of transitioning to a new administration situation. You can watch for that and be praying about it.

In the meantime Katrin Loewen has offered to help out for the next three months. This will free up some of Andrew’s time to tackle the larger projects on the docket that keep getting deferred (that pesky virus got in the way of some of our plans!). Thanks Katrin!

Katrin Loewen & Andrew Chan



Feature Photo by Damian Zaleski on Unsplash

We’re Searching & Praying: Lead Pastor (updated)

Update Sept 18, 2022 : We sought and the Lord provided!  Please refer to the separate posting for details.  The search is now closed, but keep praying for the transition process.


We are in the process of searching and praying for a new Lead Pastor. Check the Job Description below for full details.

We’ve also created a few other supplementary documents regarding our transition process. The Pastoral Transition Map is designed to give some form to our process and let the community know about opportunities for involvement along the way. The Pastoral Transition FAQ provides some answers to some common questions about our process in general and Andy’s stepping away from his role in particular.

Lead Pastor Job Description

  • Full description of the role.
  • Application details.
  • Posted May 27, 2022.
  • Will remain open until filled.

Pastoral Transition Map

  • Outline of our transition process highlighting various markers along the journey.
  • Includes opportunities for community to engagement.

Pastoral Transition FAQ

  • Compilation of information shared at our AGM back in April.
  • Questions and answers about why Andy is stepping away from his role as well as the general process moving forward.
  • Note that some of these details will shift as things develop.
  • Originally shared with the community via email in the beginning of May.




Photo by Chase Clark on Unsplash

Just Jesus: National Vineyard Celebration

Every four years the Canadian Vineyard family gathers together to celebrate the life we share as followers of Jesus and his way. This July we will be gathering in Calgary!

These times are always significant and encouraging. This is an opportunity to be refreshed by the Holy Spirit, learn together and connect with others from across the Vineyard Canada family.

This year, there are a few unique opportunities including one-on-one Spiritual Direction, Coaching and Prayer Ministry sessions. Make sure you take advantage of this – these are available on a first come, first served basis. There will also be amazing tracks for kids and youth.

Kathy MaskellKathy Maskell will be one of the guest speakers. Kathy leads the Vineyard Justice Network and is the lead pastor of East Denver Vineyard. She is an amazing communicator with a deep love of the poor and the work of the Holy Spirit.

Check out the Vineyard Canada website for more details including registration info, schedule, etc.

July 20-23

Calgary, Alberta

Sign up here


We Are Hiring… 2 positions open

We have some exciting news… we’re hiring!

We currently have two positions we are looking to fill (and soon to have a third – stay tuned about that one):


Assistant to the Director of Kids and Youth Ministry

Posted April 20, 2022. Application deadline May 16, 2022



Posted April 26, 2022. Application deadline May 17, 2022


 Check Job Descriptions for full details. 

To apply please forward a cover letter and resume to Andrew Chan!



Worship, Waiting & Weighing – Updated

Here’s some updated info on the Worship, Waiting & Weighing event happening Thursday, May 12, 7pm (note date change). In addition to this, David and Anita will be hosting an evening devoted to teaching on the topic of Discernment. This will be Wednesday, May 11, 7pm.

All are welcome!

Delving into Discernment: Wednesday, May 11, 7pm

Worship, Waiting & Weighing: Thursday, May 12, 7pm

782 Main St. Winnipeg

Here’s what they’ve written regarding the Worship, Waiting & Weighing event tour:

As we’ve been engaging with people across the country in contexts where we are “waiting on the Lord” and inviting the Spirit’s prophetic activity in community, we have noticed that there is a significant diversity of opinion and thought, even theology, around how we facilitate this in a healthy, biblical and safe way. Seeing how central these practices are to who we are in Vineyard and how vital it is to our ability in navigating our future together in Canada, we felt that it was prudent to create space across the country to come together to experience together who we are as a people of presence and how we engage with the prophetic nature of our worship and prayer, in community.

As we’ve been working on shaping what this all could look like, we kept referring to  it as the “Worship, Waiting and Weighing” Tour. The name’s stuck. We love how Acts 13:2 captures the essence of what we are reaching for together, “while they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Spirit spoke.”  A key element that we want to explore together is the posture and practice of waiting. Hosea, in Hosea 12:6, seems to capture our sentiment here beautifully, weaving posture, the call to justice and the need to wait for the Lord in a three-stranded cord, “Therefore, return to your God, observe kindness and justice, and wait for your God continually.” And then there’s the weighing bit. Something of a lost art in much of the charismatic culture and celebrity driven models within the mega-church and non-denominational world. As 1 Corinthians 14:29-33 lays it out. “Two or three prophets speak and the others should weigh carefully what is said. And if a revelation comes to someone who is sitting down, the first speaker should stop. For you can all prophesy in turn so that everyone may be instructed and encouraged. The spirits of prophets are subject to the control of prophets. For God is not a God of disorderbut of peace—as in all the congregations of the Lord’s people.”

The end game in it all is to equip us to be a people who discern well. Those who do not despise prophecy and its place in community, and yet have learned to keep it unclutured and anchored to the wisdom of the Father, the character of Jesus and the fruit of the Spirit.

A final thought taken from Hebrews 5:11-14. The key to maturity as followers of Jesus and building healthy communities that are able to discern truth, is that we need to be students of the way of righteousness, the path of justice, that is core to the entire biblical narrative. God setting things right. The work of the Father, the Son and the Spirit in “making all things new.” As we commit ourselves to being lifelong learners of this Way, that we will in turn foster mature communities that can tell the difference between good and evil and discern well.

Our desire is to carve out some space during the day together in order to facilitate dialogue and teaching around these practices. In the evening, we will gather together for worship and prayer as we lean into the posture of listening together that we may discern how the Spirit may be speaking to us and empowering us for ministry.

Looking forward to worshiping, waiting and weighing with you all! Let the kingdom come.

David & Anita

We Are Hiring…

We have some exciting news… we’re hiring!

If you are an energetic person with a passion to see kids and youth grow in their love for God and a servant heart to serve in our KidMin and Youth Ministry, consider applying.

We invite you to:

  1. Join with us and pray for the right person.

  2. Forward this opportunity to someone you think might be a good candidate, or  

  3. Apply yourself.


Job Description – Assistant to the Director of Kids and Youth Ministry


>>Applications (resume and cover letter) can be submitted to Andrew via email, or dropped off at the WCV office. Check Job Description for full details. 


>>We will be accepting applications for this position until May 16, 2022.



Easter Weekend Plans (UPDATED April 14)

This post was updated April 14:

We’re excited to be heading into the Easter weekend! Because of the weather we have decided to transfer our Good Friday Service to online only. Our Resurrection Sunday Gathering on April 17 will be in-person and online.

Good Friday

Our Good Friday service will be at 10am – streamed live to our Facebook page. Please come prepared to celebrate communion – we will join with Jesus as one of the disciples who celebrated the Last Supper on the night Jesus was betrayed. Also, to help the interactive and tactile nature of this service please feel free to bring:

  • a twig from an evergreen tree
  • a stone
  • a piece of cloth
  • some essential oil or spice (like cinnamon).

We will walk through some of the key stations of this weekend, hearing the story from scripture.

Resurrection Sunday

We will celebrate the Resurrection on Sunday in-person and online.

Public Health protocol – what it means for us & our posture

Dear WCV Community,

As you know there are some changes in the Manitoba Public Health orders taking effect March 15 which will impact our church activities. Here’s a little update about our approach and how these orders impact us.

Throughout the pandemic we have taken a posture of:

  • Honouring the orders and recommendations put in place by Manitoba Public Health (1 Peter 2:13-17, etc)
  • Seeking to create a safe space for and prioritizing the vulnerable in our community (Galatians 2:10, etc)
  • Walking without judgement toward the diversity represented in our community (Matthew 7:1-2, etc)

In light of this we will be moving forward in the following ways:

  • We will not mandate the use of masks for participants in any WCV activity. While masks are not required by Manitoba public health they are still recommended. There are those who may continue to wear masks based on their individual risk or personal preference as well as those who will choose not to wear them. In either case we will walk in a non-judgemental posture. We will continue to provide both KN95 and triple-ply blue ​masks for those who choose to wear them.
  • While we welcome the opportunity to take this next step into a post pandemic world, we recognize there are still significant risks and considerations regarding Covid-19. We will continue to encourage hand sanitization and will remind everyone in the community that if they are showing any symptoms of Covid-19 it is an act of love and respect to stay home. We will continue to make online options available for our Sunday morning gatherings, AGM and other events as we are able.

Regarding Kids and Youth Ministry activities:

  • We will no longer require volunteers to do a rapid test prior to ministry.
  • We will no longer be taking temperatures as kids enter our ministry area. Instead we ask that all families do a self-health check prior to coming into the building and to stay home if exhibiting any symptoms of illness.
  • We will ask that volunteers who are floating and offering direct assistance to kids to continue to wear masks.
  • We will not mandate the use of masks but if children or their families wish to they are welcome to do so.
  • We will relax the 2-meter radius for physical distancing in the kids church area but will continue to spread out workstations throughout the available areas.
  • We will continue to require hand sanitizing upon entry into the kids church area.

Thanks! If you have any questions or comments please contact the office or talk to anyone on the Leadership Team (BOD, Pastoral & Lay Elders).


Photo by Claudio Schwarz on Unsplash

Core Connection Course 2022

We are going to be hosting three evenings of storytelling and teaching designed to connect you with the heart, vision and practices of WCV. Sometimes we all need a reminder of why we’re here, what God wants to do among us and through us, and what kind of community we are becoming. These evenings will do just that.

They are for newcomers to the community, old-timers who’ve been around forever, and anyone in between.

Connect to:

  • Our Vision,
  • WCV’s Core Practices & Vineyard Values,
  • Where we’ve come from and where we’re going,
  • The kind of community God is calling us to become, 
  • Each other!

Mondays March 14, 21, & 28 at 7pm at WCV

For those unable to come in-person, please contact the office as we will have an alternate solution for you!

Register Here

 “You didn’t choose me, remember; I chose you, and put you in the world to bear fruit, fruit that won’t spoil. As fruit bearers, whatever you ask the Father in relation to me, he gives you.

John 15:16 (Msg)


Looking Forward – about Elders & Flow

Healthy Flow

Over the past few years we have been working to create a healthy leadership culture. In part this means having clear roles as well as establishing good flow in and out. This is why we have terms for Lay Elders and BOD members. Terms allow for continual inflow of fresh people in leadership as well as putting good limits on lengths of service. Of course, terms can be extended, but the basic idea is to create opportunity, growth, and movement in our leadership. Ideally, we would be visiting this question yearly in order to allow for strong continuity in leadership as well as opportunity for new leaders to emerge in this particular area.

Looking forward we can see we are at a time where we need to explore in-flow of leadership into the Elder team.

Below is some information about what being an Elder in WCV is all about, what we look for in people who are elders, what exactly elders do, and the process for discerning new elders.

Would you take a moment to look at this information and consider who in your circles might be a good fit based on the criteria below? We are interested in your perspective and want to hear from you. Read on to find out exactly how. Thanks!


The Role of the Elders at WCV

In the Vineyard, Elders function as overseers who tend to the spiritual health and vision of the community.  They are a small group of seasoned leaders and followers of Jesus who gather regularly to prayerfully seek God’s direction and counsel for matters relating to church life and spiritual growth. There are two kinds of elders in Winnipeg Centre Vineyard – Pastoral Elders (typically paid staff members)* and Lay Elders (volunteers from the church community).

There are a number of examples of Elders’ roles in scripture including: leading the church [1 Tim 5:17; Titus 1:7; 1 Peter 5:1–2], teaching and preaching [1 Timothy 3:2; 2 Timothy 4:2; Titus 1:9], encouraging, challenging and protecting the church according to scripture [1 Timothy 4:13; 2 Timothy 3:13–17; Titus 1:9], visiting the sick and praying [James 5:14; Acts 6:4], and weighing issues of doctrine [Acts 15:6]. They are charged with the care of the community – to help, equip and lead.

In WCV, the Pastoral and Lay Elders work together, however the Pastoral Elders have the added responsibility of implementing the daily tasks associated with our vision. Currently the Elders are led by our Lead Pastor who is accountable to the whole leadership team (BOD & Elders).

The Pastoral and Lay Elders have the authority to tend to the needs and spiritual affairs arising from the vision of the church community. However, if their proposed actions will have an effect on the macro vision of the church or the legal, managerial, or financial affairs of the church community, they must obtain the approval of the Board of Directors before moving forward.

Current Pastoral Elders:

  • Andy (lead) & Beckie Wood (lay elder)
  • Violet Rademaker (non-paid)

Current Lay Elders:

  • Cornelius (BOD Chair) & Tania Martens (term ends Fall 2023)
  • Lindsay & Lois Ward (term ends Fall 2023)
  • Christy Chan (term ends Fall 2023)

*Note: Not all WCV staff members are automatically Pastoral Elders.

What we look for in Elders:

1. Biblical requirements for Eldership as explained in 1 Timothy 3 & Titus 1.

2. Walking out and dialoguing with our 15 Core Practices. Of particular note are: Devotion to Jesus (elders should be devoted to their walk with God), Circles of Sharing (a hallmark of eldership is hospitality) and Generosity (elders should be tithing to the local church).

3. A good fit with the current team and the season the Vineyard is in. While there are many people who generally qualify as elders, the current elders must prayerfully discern who is the best fit for right now.  What skills and gift mix will best suit the team that exists? Do we have a good representation of the voices of our community in our leadership (young, old, male, female, married, single, etc.)? This is not a popularity contest – it is a serious process to discern who God has prepared and gifted to serve the whole community at this time.

4. Already serving in ministry in some form in the church (worship, children, youth, house group, hospitality, etc.). Elders carry a pastoral heart for the community which finds expression.

5. Elders, while not always older, are all seasoned leaders and followers of Jesus.

6. Elders can be married couples, singles, or one partner in a marriage.

A few points to keep in mind:

  1. Leadership is servanthood. It’s not about ordering others around, but rather serving others (Luke 22:25-27). Being an elder isn’t a promotion. Rather, it’s a recognition of the way a person is currently serving and influencing our community.
  2. Leadership is action. It’s not about position or titles. While specific roles can be very helpful, true leadership is never about titles. If someone has a position of leadership, but doesn’t have anyone following, then they’re just going for a walk.

What Serving as a Lay Elder Looks Like:

While we normally choose elders who are already “eldering” in our community, there are several added responsibilities for those serving on the Eldership Team.

  1. Communication and Minutes. Elders are put on the email thread for weekly staff minutes, BOD minutes, and other church leadership news items. Elders should be reading these forms of communication to keep a pulse on what is going on. They should also ask questions, and add input as needed, as well as regularly pray for the church.
  2. Monthly Elder Meetings. The Pastoral and Lay Elders gather together once a month. The purposes of these meetings are two fold: a) to spend an time in worship and prayer, listening for what God is doing in our midst, and discern what He is inviting us to. b) Talking through spiritual needs in our community, and making plans for extending care.
  3. Leadership Team Gatherings.  The Lay Elders, Pastoral Elders, and Board of Directors will occasionally gather together to be face to face with one another as we seek God’s vision and direction, and collaborate in aligning our strategies to walk forward together. Additionally, there will be other opportunities to gather with other leaders in WCV for training, connection and envisioning. 
  4. Yearly Retreat. Once a year (typically May / June) the Elders go on a two day retreat with a focus of praying and seeking God together. During this time we reflect on the highs and lows of the last year, and begin to dream and envision the next year. In the past few years these retreats have been modified due to public health realities. 
  5. Regular Connection with Community. Elders need to commit to being available to serve and extend care to the community. This involves welcoming newcomers, gathering to pray for those in need, showing hospitality, and meeting with congregants to listen to questions, concerns or suggestions.

New Lay Elder Process:

New Lay Elders are nominated and selected through a several month process. The regular term for elders is three years. We want to be engaging in the process of bringing in new lay elders every few years as current elders step down. This creates a healthy rhythm in leadership.

Here is a detailed look at what the new Lay Elder Process looks like:

  1. Nomination and Discernment (February – March 31, 2022). During this time the community and the elder team nominate those they see are currently functioning as elders (even if they don’t have the position). Prayerfully ask, “who do I naturally look to for counsel, support, care, etc?”  Chances are, those are the people who are already functioning as elders. At the same time, the Pastoral and Lay Elders are prayerfully discerning if people qualify and are a good fit for the current team and season of life the church is in.
  2. Proposal & Mutual Consideration (March 31 – April 30). The Pastoral Elders will contact potential new elders and invite them to prayerfully consider. This is a period in which we see if this “seems good to us and the Holy Spirit”.
  3. Prospective Elder Period (May – Oct).  This is a (typically) three-month period during which prospective elders come to monthly elder meetings and are in communication with Pastoral Elders.  At the end of this period it’s determined if it is a fit.
  4. Membership Vote (Meeting in Fall 2022, or Spring 2023 at the AGM). Those who are formal members of WCV are able to vote on the prospective new elders. If the new elder is ratified, this begins their 3-year term.  Bear in mind that this is a vote, not on who should become elders, but on whether those who’ve been identified via the above process are the right decision for the Vineyard at this time. 

An Invitation:

We invite you to prayerfully consider who the Lord may be inviting to step into serving the community for the next season of our life together. We will be using the above criteria to prayerfully discern who to invite into this area of leadership and service. Please submit names to the office or Andy until April 7, 2022.



Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Photo by Nicholas Ng on Unsplash