This post was updated April 14:
We’re excited to be heading into the Easter weekend! Because of the weather we have decided to transfer our Good Friday Service to online only. Our Resurrection Sunday Gathering on April 17 will be in-person and online.
Good Friday
Our Good Friday service will be at 10am – streamed live to our Facebook page. Please come prepared to celebrate communion – we will join with Jesus as one of the disciples who celebrated the Last Supper on the night Jesus was betrayed. Also, to help the interactive and tactile nature of this service please feel free to bring:
- a twig from an evergreen tree
- a stone
- a piece of cloth
- some essential oil or spice (like cinnamon).
We will walk through some of the key stations of this weekend, hearing the story from scripture.
Resurrection Sunday
We will celebrate the Resurrection on Sunday in-person and online.