Sunday In-Person Gatherings Suspended for the rest of 2020

We will continue to postpone in-person gatherings for the month of December.

WCV will continue to stream on Facebook Live every Sunday at 10am.

We will have measures in place to connect with our community folks who drop in on Sundays and are without technological means.

We encourage all House Groups to meet online. Please contact Andrew if you need assistance setting up a virtual meeting.

The office will remain open – please make appointments in advance if there is a need to physically drop by. All worship teams, speakers, and volunteers involved in creating virtual services are still permitted to use the building.

Stay connected (but safe) and see you online Sunday!

In-Person Gathering Protocols -Updated

Updated Nov 3, 2020

We would like to address and clarify what the latest C19 regulations means for our Sunday gatherings and Home Groups.

Sunday gatherings will continue as scheduled. These in-person gatherings have been vital in connecting us to our neighborhood community and we wish to continue these meaningful relationships to the extent possible. With the reduced allowable gathering size to 15% of capacity, we encourage those who have the means for online participation to enjoy our services from home.

Home Groups may be affected by the latest health orders. Per Manitoba Health, the reading of the orders indicate that for small ‘Bible study’ groups, the private gathering rules would apply. 

Current private gathering guidelines are to be respected even when using 782 Main as the venue.   

For WCV Home Groups, this means :

  • No gatherings of more than 5 persons for Home Groups will be permitted at 782 Main, effective immediately until further notice.

We will still be allowing the use of our building to those groups whom find it a challenge to comply with current distancing guidelines when hosting HG at home even with the reduced gathering size. 

With any gathering at WCV, the following additional policies must be adhered to:

  1. Masks must be worn at all times;
  2. Sanitize your hands upon entry;
  3. Check in using contract tracing record in the foyer;
  4. Seat yourself/your household a minimum of 2 meters from another person/household.

Please do not attend any in-person meeting if: You are sick, have been exposed to Covid-19, have a family member who displays symptoms, or have travelled recently.

  • If you are unsure about your symptoms, please refer to the province’s screening tool.
  • Each gathering is also being simultaneously livestreamed via our Facebook page.

Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting will be Monday November 30, 7pm at 782 Main St and online. Please note the date change.

Our purpose here is to bring you up to speed on some important developments in WCV. A few of these changes have been in the works for a few years, other reports are simply what we do on a yearly basis. Our main purpose isn’t so much to inform you with reports, but rather to inspire you about our future together. There are a few shifts in leadership that more accurately reflect the season we are in.

For those who wish to attend remotely, an online meeting invitation will be sent to all current members on our mailing list. Please note that you must register by acquiring a ticket via the emailed invitation as we must have a proper record of attendance. You can watch for this email as we get closer to Nov 30.

You’ll notice that we postponed the date of the AGM from Oct 19 to Nov 30. This was for a few reasons:

  • Because of the need to have a robust forum for remote participation we needed a little more time to fine-tune our new audio and video set-up.
  • We want to ensure maximum participation. Even though we originally published the date on Sept 24 it has become clear to us that we need to do a better job at promoting it.
  • We want to synchronize our Prayer and Fasting with our AGM. We are praying this will be a time of God imparting his guidance and vision to us. We’ll explore this and more at our AGM. Here is more info on our time of Fasting and Prayer.

Summer Prayer Meetings

Hey folks!

Thank you to those of you who have been so faithfully praying with us every week! We are going to take a bit of a break for the summer months meeting every other week instead. (Still on Wednesdays, and at 7pm). We hope this will give you time to refresh yourself and enjoy the summer (which can sometimes feel so short)!

Here are the dates we will be meeting:

  • July 8
  • July 22
  • August 5
  • August 19

We will continue to be meeting via Zoom. The link, password, and time slot remain the same. If you are wanting to join our prayer meetings this summer, please email the office for the Zoom link and password!

Have a great summer folks!

Pentecost Sunday – Online Vineyard Gathering

Mark your Calendars for a special Online gatheringOn Sunday, May 31, 2020 – Pentecost Sunday – Vineyard Canada will be hosting a nation-wide Sunday service for all of us to join together! The service will include input from leaders across the nation and will be a great chance to worship together with our big Vineyard Canada family from coast-to-coast-to-coast.

For our timezone here in Winnipeg (CDT) the service will be at 11 am. Please note that we will not be meeting at our regular 10 am timeslot. The service will be streamed live to the Vineyard Canada Facebook page (we will make sure there will be links on WCV’s page) and will be recorded and uploaded to YouTube on the same day for those not on Facebook.

Vineyard Canada Sunday Gathering: May 31, 2020, 11 am (CDT).

CarePortal Heart – by Sara Epp

Here are some thoughts about CarePortal from Sara.

“If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it?” James 2:16

Anyone else ever have that verse just rankle? As much as I’m learning that prayer really can make miracles happen, sometimes it just feels like a cop-out. “Hey, that sucks – but I’ll pray for you!” Sometimes, we need to be the answer to the prayers that are made. Sometimes, we are the hands and feet of Jesus. 

When I started learning about CarePortal, I just knew I had to do it. Here’s how I can be a part of ministering to our community! Now, I haven’t been called to live in the North End. (Total respect and awe for those that have and do!) But CarePortal lets me see the needs of those around our church, and help be a part of the community that we are trying to create. CarePortal allows people like social workers to identify needs in the people and families they see, and share those needs with us – the church. Just like the classic starfish-on-the-beach story (google it if you haven’t read it!), we can’t help all needs – but we can help some. Sometimes we help because we know we just have to. 

Sometimes, we do just pray. Sometimes, we leave this one to God. Sometimes, we help … because we’ve been helped, because we’ve been loved, because we’ve been in a bad spot and because someone helped us, because Jesus asked us to. 

How does it work? CarePortal requests are generally entered by a social worker, and then shared with the nearest churches to that need. Churches can choose to answer a request, and then work together with the social worker to deliver the item(s) to the individual/family. Strollers, tables, mattresses – right now, sometimes it’s an old laptop and printer for schoolwork. The stories are simple, and the stories are beautiful.

All around us, there’s a broken world. The Kingdom hasn’t come yet. But it’s coming! Every act of helping, every act of love, it mends something – it brings us together and it brings the Kingdom a little closer. Every time we choose to reach out to someone else, it builds some community. It fights the darkness around us by lighting one little candle. 

This isn’t the only way – I hope this is happening all around you, large and small. But if you’re looking for a way to connect with some of the needs around us, some of those who just need a little help: strangers in a strange land, single moms and struggling families who could just use a little boost, a little help when the road is rough – CarePortal helps to connect us all. It’s that simple, and that profound. We (the CarePortal team) are really encouraging you to join CarePortal, not because this is the magic solution that will fix everything, but because it’s a really practical way to connect us to each other, and to those around us – to choose acts of kindness, one choice at a time. Building community, building the Kingdom, one piece at a time.

Reach out to Lillian Poetker if you’d like to be a part of the CarePortal team, and help build community and the Kingdom.

Some Updates to CarePortal

Dear WCV,

We are thrilled to announce that WCV has officially launched CarePortal!  Within one week we had 9 people join our response team. We would love for you to join as well! 

CarePortal is a platform that identifies the needs and mobilizes the church.  73 children in Winnipeg have been served already since November 2019.  There are currently 13 other churches in Winnipeg that have joined CarePortal. 

Our biblical roots can show our resilient faith, radical hospitality and outrageous generosity. We officially responded to one request so far. 

If you can respond to this following request please let Lillian know.

  • Single mattress for a four-year old girl
  • Single mattress for a nine-year old girl

Description of the need: A single mom with two girls, ages 4 and 9, does not have a strong network of people in her life. Recently concerns have come up with respect to the girls sleeping arrangements. Once looked into it was discovered that the girls would benefit from having new mattresses. The mother has limited resources, hence this request. Here at WCV we are committed to serving the most vulnerable. As things change in our world we can serve in an even greater capacity. To hear about the needs we’re working to meet, please join our CarePortal Response Team by taking 30 seconds to fill out a simple form here.

Once you are on our Response Team you will receive emails with current needs both from within our own community and from child-serving professionals. When you receive an email you have the opportunity to pray and to respond to the need. Simply click the button in the email and let us know how you can help! If you or someone you know has a need, you can submit it to Lillian Poetker or if you are on the CarePortal Response Team you can submit the need through our church landing page.

~ Lillian Poetker

“Kids Klip” – Jesus Invites Us All

Hey WCV Kids – here is another “klip” for you! In this video Dynel Davidson tells the story of John 6 where Jesus feeds 5,000 people.

Parents, make sure you’re receiving emails from Dynel! If you want to be added to the list, contact her at kids(at)

Jesus Invites Us All – Story of John 6

“Kids Klip” – the Story of John 13

Hey WCV Kids – here is another “klip” for you! In this video Dynel Davidson tells the story of John 13 where Jesus washes His disciples’ feet.

Parents, make sure you’re receiving emails from Dynel with resources and ideas. You can contact her at kids(at) if you want to be added to the list.

How to Help – CarePortal

Here is a personal message and invitation to join CarePortal from Lillian Poetker:

Dear WCV,

I am sure many of you are inundated with emails, especially families with school age children. Although, I know many of you are wondering “How can we help in a unprecedented time like now?” Joining a response team from Winnipeg Centre Vineyard with CarePortal is one way we can respond. We can meet needs in our community around WCV, and also in our own church community. This might be overwhelming for you (and sometimes the thought of it overwhelms me). But it does not have to be.

To launch CarePortal we are looking for at least 5 people to join our response team. Please note the link below to respond to fill out the form. Once we have the 5 people we will officially launch and will be able to use CarePortal to respond to needs! There are amazing stories out there how families, singles & professionals have been blessed by the churches that have joined CarePortal. (See a testimonial).

Here at WCV we are committed to serving the most vulnerable. As things change in our world we can serve in an even greater capacity. To hear about the needs we’re working to meet, please join our CarePortal Response Team by taking 30 seconds to fill out a simple form here.

Once you are on our Response Team you will receive emails with current needs both from within our own community and from child-serving professionals. When you receive an email you have the opportunity to pray and to respond to the need. Simply click the button in the email and let us know how you can help! If you or someone you know has a need, you can submit it through our church landing page or by contacting Andy Wood or Lillian Poetker.
~ Lillian Poetker

Online Prayer Meetings through Zoom

These are times we need to be leaning into prayer of all kinds. St. Theresa of Avilla said, “prayer is nothing more than being on terms of friendship with God.” I hope this is becoming a greater reality for you as you carve out space and time to cultivate an awareness of God in your life in these times.

Tomorrow (Wed, April 1), we’re going to gather again online for a prayer meeting. We will pause to become more aware of God’s presence with us, we will intercede for each other, our community and beyond, and we will connect with God and each other! We come together with the confidence knowing that we can approach God and ask for anything according to his will, that he will hear us (1 John: 5:14). What a great thing!

If you’d like to join, we are using Zoom – an online video conferencing platform (instead of Facebook Live). To join, please email the office for the link! If you have not used Zoom before, we recommend you join 10 minutes early so that you have the time to get your device set up. You’ll be able to join on a computer, tablet or smartphone as long as your device has a video camera, microphone and speakers. It’s not too difficult but there are a few steps that Zoom will guide you through, including testing your microphone and speakers. Once you’re in, Andy will introduce the other features, then Daile will lead us in prayer again.

See you Wednesday at 7 pm!

Update (April 21): Please note that you do not require a Zoom account to participate. If you are accessing the prayer meeting with a computer, nothing needs to be installed – just follow the link in the email and subsequent prompts. If you are accessing it via a phone or tablet, you will be required to install the Zoom app.

This is what our Online Prayer Meeting looked like on April 1 – join us next Wed!