Prayer Ministry Training

God demonstrated his love to us by sending his son, Jesus.  Jesus demonstrated the Kingdom in very practical and real ways.  The Holy Spirit is in us to demonstrate the Father’s love to those around us – our neighbours.  We are invited and, if we follow Jesus, are commissioned to be agents of this love – to be people who expand the Kingdom of God where we live, work and play.  Praying for others is a huge part of this.

We want to invite you to consider taking our Prayer Ministry Training sessions.  There are three sessions which will happen during the teaching time in the Upstairs Gathering on Oct 2, 16 and 23. They will be interactive and will include a short teaching, a demonstration and then lots of practice on each other (praying for others and being prayed for).  We will be using the Vineyard’s 5-Step model as a guide.  We’ll be getting very practical and there will be lots of room for questions.

Topics will include, listening to God, following the prompting of the Holy Spirit, how to begin, when to end, checking in along the way, what not to say, the difference between prayer ministry and other forms of prayer (like more in-depth inner healing, etc), manifestations of the Holy Spirit, praying for healing, dealing with your own nervousness, etc.

We want to create a culture in which we quickly and easily ask “can I pray for you?” and “can you pray for me?”  We also want to be able to increase the level of training so that more of us know how to pray with skill and heart when someone asks.  This will make us more effective pray-ers, and it will also increase the sense of safety in the Vineyard.

NOTE: The goal of these sessions is not to train people for ministry time on Sunday mornings (although it will be very helpful for that).  Rather, these sessions are for anyone who wants to pray for others wherever they are!

Join us!

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