How Good are Your Answers? (Questions to grapple with re LGBTQ)

In the spirit of graciousness, understanding and respect, we have been posturing ourselves to hear multiple perspectives on the issues surrounding human sexuality and gender. We’ve learned that “listening is love” and that we don’t have to agree with someone in order to listen to them. We’ve also said that “every voice matters” but also, “not every voice has equal weight.” In other words, we are attempting to be a community under the direction of the Holy Spirit, that listens and loves deeply while not always agreeing with each other. We have genuine differences but we’re still part of one body. Unity is not uniformity.

At times we are able to hold a simple position on an issue because we have not faced the tough questions that other perspectives ask. This applies to both sides in this dialogue! The only credible positions, postures, or biblical interpretations are ones that have heard and answered the most powerful critiques from the other side.

We’ve compiled a list of questions that the two primary perspectives we’ve been dialoguing with regarding LGBTQ must deal with. These hard questions are intended to help you deal with scripture faithfully and others kindly. In other words, they’re both theological and practical. We know the greatest commandment is love (God and each other). However, the test comes in how we treat those with whom we disagree. These questions will foster a “love your adversary” mentality as well as drive you deeper in understanding other people’s perspectives as well as your own. If you find that you are able to answer these quickly, it may be that you have oversimplified these issues. May God give us grace to take the time and care we need to wrestle with ourselves, each other, and the scriptures to find good and beautiful answers to our questions.

>>If you’d like to access these questions, please contact the office or pick one up from the Info Wall.


2 thoughts on “How Good are Your Answers? (Questions to grapple with re LGBTQ)

  1. Thanks Steph – yes that was a typo! It’s fixed now (except in the printed versions… arg!).

  2. Just wondering if this was a typo. “If you find that you are not able to answer these quickly, it may be that you have oversimplified these issues.” I’m guessing the intention is that answering quickly is a sign of oversimplication not the opposite as stated… or maybe I’m confused?

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