Nepal Update: Pray


The power of prayer is on display in the Nepali earthquake response. In the midst of such an extreme humanitarian crisis, it’s easy to get into work mode. It’s also easy to recognize one’s own insufficiency. We’ve realized that for as much work that gets accomplished, it’s not going to add up to much if God isn’t doing more. In other words, even in huge disasters like this, we must still do what the Father is doing. This thought has kept prayer on the forefront of our response and has undergirded all the activity this crisis has generated. Practical response and prayer are both critical, and remain so – perhaps more now than ever.

Noel recounted to me the incredible sight of people worshipping in Chhampi. They were totally given to worship, even while their own homes were in shambles. They have come to know God as, what Psalm 91 calls, their “defender and protector.” Their attitude isn’t a normal response to devastation of this magnitude. Despondency and hopelessness would seem to be a more natural result, however the opposite is their reality. Yes, there is trauma, which will take years to work through. Yes, there are moments of despair. Yes, there are homes and livelihoods that need to be rebuilt. But each and every person is being bathed in prayer, which has made all the difference. Our prayers have lifted them. This is the power of a praying community.


Thank you for your prayers. We’ve received wisdom, grace, strength and even strategy as a result. But most of all, we’ve seen Jesus as we follow him into the lives of those hardest hit and work together to see his Kingdom come in the Himalayas as in heaven. Please keep praying! The work is only just beginning.

  • Wisdom – for local leaders determining how and who to help
  • Protection – from corruption & thieves
  • Hope – for everyone affected
  • Rest – for the leaders
  • Provision – to accomplish all God’s set out for us to do


One unfolding situation that needs both prayer and practical response is the landslides.  The Earthquakes and daily tremors have disturbed the ground conditions which are now being saturated with monsoon rain.  These have triggered many landslides.  Reports indicate that in recent days over 70,000 people have flooded into Kathmandu from the villages to get away from these unstable conditions.  Many have family in the capital who are staying in unstable structures, but others are simply setting up tents and tarps in available space. This is putting strain on the capital region and has the potential to develop into a full-scale crisis.  Please pray into this pressing situation.

>Please continue to PRAY.

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