We’ve been exploring points along Peter’s discipleship journey for the past few months (and we’ll continue for the next number of months). The audio recordings are posted here. Along the way, we’ve commissioned various artists – both visual and performance – to share their interpretations of what they’re learning. It’s like looking at the subject through a different set of eyes. The artists among us can help us see a new way. It’s been really fantastic – thanks to all the artists who have participated in a variety of media – from writing songs and poems to performing raps and dances. Here are the visual representations at this point in the journey (click on any pic to view a full size):
- “A Fisher of Men” by Julia Denkdirwas (Matthew 4:19)
- “Don’t You Care?” by Natasha Boone (Mark 4:38)
- “I Am a Sinful Man” by Rachel Hogeveen (Luke 5:8)
- “Who Do You Say I Am?” by Sheri Lewis (Matthew 16:15)
- “You Are the Messiah” by Krista Heide (Matthew 16:16)