What are the things that have been entrusted to your friend?
Though David was a young teenager when he knew he had been chosen to be king, it wasn’t until his thirties that he came into the full responsibility of his calling. Likewise, it may take a long time before we feel we really are interested with the things that we are to carry in our service to the world. And we may never know exactly what the full extent of it is, or what will be in the future.
But whatever it is that has been entrusted us to do and to be, we should honor those responsibilities as a sacred trust. What are those things for your friend now? They may not be an official responsibility. They may not have a title or position attached to them. But as you pray for your friend, think of what people around them rely on them for now, and affirm this to your friend. Ask God to give them the adequate support and resources for carrying out this trust.
For an introduction to this Prayer Challenge go here.
For other day’s meditations go here.
For the teaching leading up to this Prayer Challenge see the “Why On Earth: David, calling and the pursuit of God” series.