We’re going to be moving into our rhythm of having shorter gatherings for the rest of June until the September long weekend. This will mean that you’ll be able to participate online easily from wherever you are. We’re aiming to keep them to 60 minutes. We will continue to respect and adhere to the government’s restrictions and will open as we are able. As always we will give priority access to those who are not able participate online.
We are really looking forward to being physically together again! But until then, we’ll see you 10am every Sunday morning on our Facebook page. Alternately you can find our gatherings posted in our sermon section of our website (note these are not posted live and may take a few days before they appear on our website).
In other News:
For our kids and youth there are a few different clubs that are happening for the rest of June and maybe beyond. Make sure you check them out… they sound fun!
This summer the Kid’s Church area is getting an overdue facelift. These renos will keep us up-to-date with our Plan to Protect policy, as well as make a space that is fresh and alive so that when our kids and youth gather again it is welcoming and inspiring. The sanctuary will also be getting the same treatment. The Sound Booth is being expanded which will set us up for live-streaming well into the future. Thanks to our amazing team of behind-the-scenes people who have enabled us to connect online!
Photo by Christina @ wocintechchat.com on Unsplash