This Fall brings a new preaching series. We’re going to be looking at one particular aspect of Daniel’s life – his prayer life. We’ll ask together, what fuelled his walk with God? What was it that propelled him and his friends to have such confidence in God? What caused him to “open his windows to Jerusalem and pray as he was in the habit of doing”? (Dan 6:10 paraphrase) There are some keys that we’ll explore together over the coming months which we’re confident will revolutionize our own walks with God.
Near the end of this series we are going to have a 30-day Prayer Challenge. During November we will challenge each other to put into practice what we’ve learned from Daniel’s prayer life. There will be daily meditations and practical challenges to implement into our lives. Our vision for this time is that each person involved in the Vineyard would be inspired and given resources to encounter God’s presence in their lives on a daily basis and have it spill out to those around them!