30 Day Prayer Challenge Survey

Now that it’s finished, we want to know what happened.  We’ve already heard a number of great stories.  Everything from a simple increasing awareness of God’s presence, to significant revelation.  From changed hearts to healed bodies.  Some have simply prayed more and have experienced a settling awareness of his presence and filling.

Because God hears every prayer many of this month’s prayers are tucked away in his heart – there are many answers still to come.  In fact, we think that many of the prayers uttered this past month will be answered in years to come.  This is the long-range nature of prayer.  God sees the big picture – we don’t – let his will be done and his kingdom come.

In the meantime, please take a moment to fill out this survey so we can get a sense what happened in your heart during this time and as we determine how we should move forward.


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