Community Input for Fall Planning

Dear WCV Community,

At a recent Elder’s meeting there was a keen sense that WCV is about to turn a corner out of the turbulent waters of the past few years. “A new thing springing up” (Isaiah43:19) is a word for us in this season. This is super encouraging, but we still need to lead well, especially given the current Covid realities. So we need to know where you are at and how you are feeling regarding a few of the key elements of our regular community rhythms: specifically House Groups and Sunday Gatherings. 

The writer of Hebrews encourages “don’t give up gathering together.” (Hebrews 10:25). How do we not give up gathering given the corporate restrictions in place? What should we do given the broad spectrum of needs, requirements and experiences in our community? What should we do with our kids? These are all questions we’re wrestling with. This season requires us to be nimble, flexible and creative as we seek to follow Jesus as best we can. 

Would you take a moment to answer 5 survey questions (they can be as simple as yes or no answers)? Your responses will inform plans for the Fall. One thing we know for sure is that House Groups will be vital in order to continue to grow and pursue what Jesus has for us. Also, we are looking at starting up physical in-person gatherings again soon while both adhering to all the current protocols as well as continuing our online live-feed broadcasts. 

Thanks in advance for your feedback!

>>Complete the survey here (opens in a new tab)

“I am creating something new. There it is! Do you see it? I have put roads in deserts, streams in thirsty lands.”

Isaiah 43:19 (CEV)

Photos by Alexandre Grégoire on Unsplash, Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Community Survey

One of the follow-up actions from our recent AGM Community Meeting was to initiate a survey as one more avenue for discussion and providing input. This survey will provide the leadership team with insight into how the church is doing and help us as we plan for the next season. We want to lead with integrity and humility, following Jesus and listening honestly to each other. This doesn’t mean that everything that is shared will become action. However, it will mean that everything that is shared will be heard and deeply considered.

As we continue to deal with the fall-out of the past season, and as we look to the future, we know God is with us. We also know that we want to move forward together in a good way. This venue, among others, is meant to facilitate that.

Thanks so much for taking the time to prayerfully consider these questions!

We will leave this survey open until April 9.

Please Note: due to technical difficulties the Survey was closed on April 11. If you didn’t get a chance to fill it out yet, please pick up a paper version at the church on Sunday and bring it to the office by Sunday April 14. Thanks!


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Community Campout Survey

Our annual WCV Community Campout has been a valued tradition for many years. These weekends provide a prolonged time of connection and fun for those who come. We’d love to see more people make it out so we are asking for a little feedback. Please help us by taking a moment to fill out the survey below. We want to hear from you![gravityform id=”23″ title=”true” description=”true”]

Hot Button Topics Survey (we need your input)

We are going to explore our top three “Hot Button Topics” during Part 3 of our Fixed on Jesus series. Together we’ll explore the “in non-essentials, liberty” part of our series. Having determined that Jesus (his Kingdom and activity as described in the Creed) is our centre – “in essentials, unity” – and having explored how to do “in all things charity”, we’re going to step forward bravely and with great amounts of humility and tenderness, into whatever topics YOU choose! We will model GYVE (how to love each other in diversity) with each of those topics in a combination of Sunday mornings and a few special Sunday evening gatherings.

We invite you to pray. The Pastoral and Lay Elders have been praying for some time about this. We’ve sensed God’s guidance, received some significant prophetic nudges and encouragement from other churches. However, we must love well in the process. Hot Buttons are by nature feisty. Emotions can run high and disagreements can run deep. We’ve been holding the centre for 20+ years. We’ve done this already – we’ve just not been so explicit about it. Even so, let’s move forward with prayer and love.

  • And now I give you a new commandment: love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. (John 13:34)
  • …love your neighbors as you love yourself. I am the Lord. (Leviticus 19:18)
  • Above everything, love one another earnestly, because love covers over many sins. (1 Peter 4:8)
  • …the only obligation you have is to love one another. (Romans 13:8)
  • My children, our love should not be just words and talk; it must be true love, which shows itself in action. (1 John 3:18)
  • No one has ever seen God, but if we love one another, God lives in union with us, and his love is made perfect in us. (1 John 4:12)
  • Do all your work in love. (1 Corinthians 16:14)
  • Be always humble, gentle, and patient. Show your love by being tolerant with one another. Do your best to preserve the unity which the Spirit gives by means of the peace that binds you together. (Ephesians 4:2-3)

>>Thank you to everyone who submitted to our survey! We will compile the results and explore the top three in January and February.

If you have any more Hot Button Topic suggestions, our survey is now closed, but you can still email the pastors with your suggestion!

Thank you dear church!


Men’s Getaway – Reflection & Survey

The 2016 Men’s Lake Getaway has come and gone.  The takeaways from it all still loom large with most who attended.  To wit, Darnell O’Cheek’s wet cloths were returned to him recently together with the memory of jumping into the lake immediately on his arrival.  Getting back to his nature roots Friday evening was a huge throwback for Darnell even if he had to leave early Saturday because he was sick.

front pageCertainly, No Man Was An Island on the weekend.  There were just too many of us (65) to hide.  The camaraderie and friendships were quite strong and we all got to know new people.  Together with perfect weather and the activities, we all had a blast topped with excellent food (thanks Peter).  Another great steak dinner to remember.

The focus on the topic was inspiring with Rick Hill leading the way.  The discussion groups revealed a lot about ourselves.  The worship was tops.  Everyone pitched in and made it easy to pull off.

For the record, so we all are reminded, the stories of Jonathan and his armour bearer who had his back invigorated us to compare the benefits of those relationships to our lives.  Where are we vulnerable and how can friends make us strong?  Eccles. 4:9-12 was the biblical challenge to connect at a much deeper level to find the strength that we all crave.

We want to challenge all the guys who were there, and those who couldn’t make it, to become connected with the whole vibe of what a Men’s Group could possibly become for all of us.  We don’t have a complete sense of what that could look like.  And we don’t want just a few leaders pushing ahead on anything more than we have now.  Anything that could or might develop throughout the year needs to be organically driven by need for all of us.

Don’t we need each other all the time?  Could we not craft some kind of “GUYS at WCV ” focus and build some events around a desire to stay connected and stay off the Islands of our lives?


Thank you to all those who completed our survey!


Where’s the Fruit? – series feedback

We began our current series by referencing Isaiah 27:2-3.

“In that day,
    sing about the fruitful vineyard.
I, the Lord, will watch over it,
    watering it carefully.
Day and night I will watch so no one can harm it.”

Our intentions were to revisit who we are, explore the characteristics that mark us, and call us to embrace our identity that God has set for us.  We’ve heard from a number of people sharing personally what it was about the Vineyard which initially drew them to this worshipping community.  We’ve also explored a number of distinctive characteristics that, like a good tattoo, mark all Vineyard communities around the world.  Of course, our ultimate intention is to bear good fruit – that is, to be a people who are indelibly marked by Jesus, and a community that invites others to this same reality.

We’re wondering what you’ve taken from this series.  What has stood out to you?  What have you learned?  What has God done in your life as a result of this “A Fruitful Vineyard” series?  Please take a moment to respond via the survey below.  It’s only one page and can take as much or as little time as you want.  Alternatively, you can use the comment section below which is publicly viewable.


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30 Day Prayer Challenge Survey

Now that it’s finished, we want to know what happened.  We’ve already heard a number of great stories.  Everything from a simple increasing awareness of God’s presence, to significant revelation.  From changed hearts to healed bodies.  Some have simply prayed more and have experienced a settling awareness of his presence and filling.

Because God hears every prayer many of this month’s prayers are tucked away in his heart – there are many answers still to come.  In fact, we think that many of the prayers uttered this past month will be answered in years to come.  This is the long-range nature of prayer.  God sees the big picture – we don’t – let his will be done and his kingdom come.

In the meantime, please take a moment to fill out this survey so we can get a sense what happened in your heart during this time and as we determine how we should move forward.


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Men’s Lake Getaway – survey

What a blast!  Getting together with 45+ other guys to worship, pray together, have fun, be inspired, make new friends, fire golf balls across the lake, fish, experience God together…  Good times.

Below is a quick survey (9 questions – just a few minutes) designed to help us both make it better and evaluate what happened amongst us this year.

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world’s leading questionnaire tool.