Help Needed in the New Year

As we plan for the new year we can see that we are in need of a few new volunteers for our Sunday morning gatherings. If you would like to give to the community in this way we’d love to have some new faces join our serving rotation in 2019!

Please prayerfully consider the following roles:

(*Orientation will be provided for all roles, some will have additional training.)

Sound Board Technicians: 1 volunteer needed-This job requires an niche for music and an early morning (8:15am) arrival. *Additional training will be provided.

Ushers: 2 volunteers needed – A simple but important responsibility on a Sunday morning. The lead usher coordinates passing the offering baskets, fills out our Sunday morning tally (head count), receives newcomer registrations and locks up the offering after it has been collected. *Women are welcome!

Projectionists: 1 volunteer needed – The projectionist should arrive by 9:15am to make sure all music, power points & slides are in order. *Additional training will be provided.

Communion: 1 volunteer needed- Communion preparation requires a 9:15am arrival to fill the cups and break the bread. There is space for creativity in this role with how the table is set & prepared. Post service clean up takes approximately 15 minutes.

New Years Eve Party

Beckie and Andy are opening their doors for a family friendly New Years Eve Bash and they’d love for you to come! 729 College Avenue. Drop in any time after 7pm. Bring a suit and a towel for the sauna and a snack to share. There will be a campfire and games as well. Everyone is invited!


This Christmas at WCV

As we enter the Christmas week with all of its hustle and bustle, we’d like to direct your attention to the services that will be offered at the Vineyard over the holidays.

This Sunday, December 23rd, we will have our usual Sunday service beginning at 10:00am. This gathering will include worship, a message and communion – as always. There will also be a community art project taking place throughout the course of the morning. (You can read more about that here.) *Please note that the service will be slightly shorter than normal as there is no Kids Church this week. The children will remain in the sanctuary.

We will also have a Christmas Eve service on Monday, December 24th, at 6:00pm. This will be a simple and beautiful gathering with worship, readings and a litany, as well as space for contemplation and celebration. The service will commence in a communal lighting of the candles and will end by 7:00pm.

Wherever you find yourself over this Christmas season, we wish you love, joy, fellowship and peace.

God is with us.

Creative Healing Talking Circle

In August our body was rocked and many of us have been reeling as we attempt to deal with the impact of that news. We recognize that there is a wide range of reaction to this, and we know that for many of us there is a need to continue to process all that has happened. We have had a few times of gathering together to lament, to worship, to talk and to pray. We know that many have continued to process in house groups, in triads, with close friends, with counsellors and in a variety of other ways. Here is another way of continuing the healing dialogue for those who feel they need it.

As a part of an ongoing process of recovery and healing we’re hosting a talking circle, looking at the August news through creative process. Anyone who identifies as creative or has been since August (1st time creatives are welcome) is invited to gather with us. It’s good to be together and to know what state we’re in. (1Cor 12:26)

“The talking circle platform provides a safe space for everyone to share and for every person’s voice to be heard.”

A Word on the Process:

The talking circle platform provides a safe space for everyone to share and for every person’s voice to be heard. The format will be quite simple. We will open in prayer. We will each be given an opportunity to share our creative processing or our inability to process the August news. (Sharing is not required.) During this time there will be no questions asked or feedback given to the person sharing – the rest of us will be listening. The person sharing is welcome to share as much or as little as they like. After everyone who wants to has shared once, we’ll go around the circle once more and reflect on how we’ve been impacted by what we’ve heard. The focus will centre on personal reaction, feelings evoked, your new perspective, etc., to what we’ve heard; not critique, disagreement or engagement with the details of what others have shared.

A Word on the Vision:

Why would we do this? Deep listening is important. Safe spaces need to be made for people to be real with each other. With the recent news many of us have been isolated in and because of our feelings.  Just as a community is made of individuals, so too individuals make the community. Each person connected to our community and who is impacted by this news needs space to process and heal as an individual who is a part of a complex web of relational ties. This is one way to seek healing: by being open about how we’ve been doing and to be moved by the pain (and potentially hope) of others. Paul suggests that “If one part suffers, every part suffers with it.” He also suggests that “if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.” We’re in this together. Let’s listen and honour each other.

-Jeff Leighton

The Talking Circle will take place on Tuesday, December 4th at 7pm at Winnipeg Centre Vineyard.

An Invitation to Create

The Creative Team would like to invite you to participate in a series of artistic expressions that centre around Advent. The season of Advent provides an opportunity to slow down, to reflect, to consider and to give attention to the story at the centre of our faith. When art is shared communally it can be a powerful gift. We are looking for poets, songwriters, dancers, painters and makers of all kinds.

“When art is shared communally it can be a powerful gift.”

Our advent series will lead us into a time of contemplating the humility of Christ – The Humble King. We will spend time exploring Paul’s text found in Philippians 2:1-11 as we journey through the traditional advent themes of hope, peace, joy and love through this lens.

Therefore if there is any encouragement in Christ, if there is any consolation of love, if there is any fellowship of the Spirit, if any affection and compassion,  make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose. Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others. Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus, who, although He existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, and being made in the likeness of men. 

“Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus.”

 Being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. For this reason also, God highly exalted Him, and bestowed on Him the name which is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow, of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and that every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”

Our goal is to nurture and celebrate the diversity of gifts within our community and we hope to highlight and incorporate creative art into our worship time at WCV. There are a variety of ways for this to be done. If you would like to participate in any way, please contact Krista Heide or Jessica Williams.


Encounter God Nights

Our very own WCV Youth have come together to plan and prepare some open worship evenings for our whole congregation. The heart behind this is to provide a space to come together in worship and to engage in what God is doing among us. We want to nurture deeper relationships with God and with each other. Our next Encounter God Night will be on Thursday, November 29th at 7pm in the Sanctuary. We’d love for you to join us.

A Light Unto My Path

Here is a special message from Gloria Fligg summarizing the fall session of Kid’s Church:

“For the past two months, we’ve had lots of fun upstairs in Kids’ Church! We learned about lighthouses and how they illuminate our path, and keep us from danger. We compared God’s word to a lighthouse, and learned the verse, “Your word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path” (Ps. 119:105). We also talked about how God’s word is like a double-edged sword, and we heard about the Bible story of Samuel and how he heard God speak to him, even as a very young boy.

“This is truly an amazing group of children; I have so enjoyed working with them.”

The adventures continued with our “Roaming through Romans” lessons and the accompanying centres (at each one, the children learned about a different concept found in Romans). Last Sunday, we also spoke about the life of Paul (the author of Romans), and how Jesus radically changed his life. We will wrap up our fall with a fun lesson about how even though it can be scary to “let go” and trust God, our lives will always be rewarded when we do. Stay tuned for a fun object lesson involving apples and some delicious apple crisp. Every week, we also participated in praise and worship, learned Bible verses, and did lots of art projects. This is truly an amazing group of children; I have so enjoyed working with them. Thanks so much to all the leaders and helpers too. Kids’ Church wouldn’t be possible without all of you!”  -Gloria Fligg

Next Sunday Gifts4God will begin. Leaders are in place and our elementary kids are looking forward to the fun. There is so much joy that comes as we nurture and explore the gifts inside of us. This is what Gifts4God is all about! Over the next six weeks our kids will participate in cooking, sports, arts & crafts, dance, drama and comic art. A very big “thank you” to everyone who has come alongside the Kids’ Church ministry to help make this happen!

Youth Groups @ WCV

It’s wonderful to have our Youth Calendars finalized for the fall! We’re looking forward to all God has for these groups this year.

There are three different youth groups at WCV.

>>Our Senior Youth Group is for all youth grades 9-12. They meet as a small group every second Thursday night at Jodi and Mike Labun’s place.

>>Our Junior Youth Group is for all youth grades 7-8. They meet every other Saturday night in host homes.

>>Club 56 is for kids in grades 5-6. They meet one Saturday night each month at WCV.

Additional Youth Events are scheduled and you can access the full calendar below, or pick up a schedule at WCV on the information table.

Sr. Youth Schedule Fall & Winter Schedule 2018 

Jr. Youth Schedule Fall & Winter Schedule 2018

Club 56 Brochure

Wilderness Edge Youth Retreat

We are so happy to let you know that our Youth Retreat has been rescheduled! All youth (grades 7-12) are invited to join us! The retreat will be held at Wilderness Edge in Pinawa, Friday, October 19th to Sunday, October 21st. We are looking forward to spending this time with our youth and we’re expectant of all that will be nurtured in them through it. This will be a time to play, laugh, explore, connect, worship, encourage and enjoy the company of one another. The facilities at Wilderness Edge include beautiful scenery, great food, outdoor games, campfires and a hot tub!

You can register below! Payment can be made by cheque  written out to “Winnipeg Centre Vineyard”, or by e-transfer using the email address admin(at) *Waiver is required.

[gravityform id=”25″ title=”true” description=”true”]

>>>Youth Retreat Waiver

Help Needed in the New Year

As we plan for the new year we can see that we are in need of a few new volunteers for our Sunday morning gatherings. If you would like to give to the community in this way we’d love to have some new faces join our serving rotation in 2019!

Please prayerfully consider the following roles.

MAIN GATHERING NEEDS: *Orientation will be provided for all roles, some will have additional training.

Sound Board Technicians: 1 -This job requires an niche for music and an early morning (8:15am) arrival. *Additional training will be provided.

Ushers: 2 – A simple but important responsibility on a Sunday morning. The lead usher coordinates passing the offering baskets, fills out our Sunday morning tally (head count), receives newcomer registrations and locks up the offering after it has been collected. *Women are welcome!

Projectionists: 1 – The projectionist should arrive by 9:15am to make sure all music, power points & slides are in order. *Additional training will be provided.

Communion: 1 – Communion preparation requires a 9:15am arrival to fill the cups and break the bread. There is space for creativity in this role with how the table is set & prepared. Post service clean up takes approximately 15 minutes.

Kids Church Update

We are in a new season of Kids Church at WCV and we’re off to a good start. Here is a word from Gloria Fligg on what our elementary kids have to look forward to in the months ahead:

“This last week we had an amazing time as we began Kids Church for another year! For the next two months, our theme will be “lighthouses.” We will be comparing God’s Word to a lighthouse that illuminates our way, especially as we go through storms in this life. We are learning the verse, “Your word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” We decorated our own “lighthouse” bulletin board, drew our own paths and finally we painted our own “footprints” on them. Next week, we are doing more artwork: we will be making our own lighthouses for our paths, after we learn how we can use God’s word to speak the truth over our lives. It’s such a privilege to lead this awesome group of kids! If your child is in Grades 1-4, we hope to see them there!”

Thank you to Gloria and to all the other volunteers who serve our children in this way. We’re so grateful for you!

Grief Run

We are planning a Grief Run this Saturday, September 22nd, 9:00am at Whittier Park.

Amanda Leighton has organized this event for our community. She writes, “This is something visceral & physical for us to do together as an expression of our sadness and our anger and our anguish; as an expression of our grief. It is an act of prayer and worship in truth and honesty.”

“We will run through the darkness to get to the Light.” -Joyce Rees 

The run is approximately 2 km and will take about 25 minutes at a slow to medium pace. The route is suitable for all paces – walk, jog or sprint. The path will be well marked and it will be easy to see each other and stay together. There will be a guided liturgy to help center us before and after.

Everyone is welcome.

We will meet at the shelter in front of Fort Gibraltor.

Kids Church at WCV

We are excited for this season of Kids Church at WCV. As we prepare, there are a few things we want you to know.

Leaders are in place and ready to come alongside our children and youth to be a positive presence and a source of love and encouragement in their lives. One important aspect of WCV’s Generations Ministry is the safety of all children in our care. Our Plan to Protect policy helps to insure that WCV is a safe place. Kid Check is an important part of this. As has always been the case, it is mandatory that every minor (age 18 and under), every guardian and every Generations Ministry worker is registered through Kid Check and wears their name tag every Sunday. There are no exceptions to this rule. We love the young people God has entrusted to us and we want to do everything we can to make sure they know that they are safe with us so they can be free to learn and grow into all God has for them. Please help us by being responsible in this way as Kids Church resumes this fall.

We also want to highlight a few changes this year. Our “Jouth” (Jr. Youth, Grades 5-6) will meet every Sunday  in the youth room. Our Youth (Grades 7-12) will be meeting every other Sunday. When there is no youth they are welcome and encouraged to remain in the service.

Lastly, we are still in need of leaders who will step up in different areas including Kid Check, Gifts4God and Pre-School leaders. If you can help please contact Jodi Labun.

Welcome back, everyone! We look forward to having you with us.