Ang Falk and Christy Chan recently made the icy trek to Edmonton to participate in the annual Vineyard Prayer Summit and Worship Symposiums. These are some of Ang’s reflections:
I enjoyed the Summit thoroughly. It was the first time for me to travel without my boys, or be away from them for longer than 3 days. I found getting ready, scheduling boys school pick up and drop offs, and events etc. took A LOT more work than I had anticipated. By the time Christy and I pulled away on the Wednesday morning I was exhausted. Excited, but exhausted.
In the end we were able to take in 2 out of the 3 pre-symposium sessions. We went to Gary Best’s prophetic workshop. I received prayer at the end of the first workshop. It was good. I felt like I really wanted all of God that I could get. As a result, felt encouraged, relaxed, and prepared for the rest of the summit.
The theme was “To be people of His presence”
A few Thoughts from Worship & Prayer times.
- Abandonment to God – be a People of His presence
- Blessed by the dancers, the joy, the exuberance. Had thoughts of the throne room filled with dancers.
- Beauty of Rik Berry’s paintings. Woman-Vine and the branches John 15
- Creativity all around Freedom
- Intercession. Sweet incense of intercession. Prayer bowls being filled.
- Blessed by the number of men present at the summit.
- Blessed by the trumpet player, a man wondering around during worship and prayer playing his trumpet. It was beautiful.
- Felt like a family gathering. A coming together. Being woven together in prayer and spirit.
- Felt connected to our roots. Vineyard roots.
One session in particular ended up more focused on praying for Canada. There were 2 young men that came up from the Basilia community in Hollywood, California. One of the men had a picture develop during the worship. It was a picture of Canada and of a canal stretching from coast to coast. He had asked God why He had made this canal to stretch across Canada. God said “I did not put this canal here, it’s the Canadian believers that have dug this canal. They’ve gotten down and hands dirty from digging this canal for My living water to fill”. We then prayed for reconciliation.
This flowed into a prayer time for the relationship between Canada and the United States. It was powerful.