The coffee house Saturday, April 7th, was amazing! Thanks to all who contributed by donating a raffle prize, donating a dessert and by coming. We are so blessed by the support. What a beautiful night of performances by our youth! And thanks to the Janzen boys for contributing to the dance party!
Here are some pictures from Saturday evening:
- The Janzen Boys
- The Janzen Boys
- The beginnings of the dance party!
Thanks to Jodi for working so hard and putting this amazing event together!
Thank you Andrew Reimer for taking all the photos!
We are looking for support for our youth in 2 ways for the trip that is coming up in June:
- First, we are looking for available vans to use to drive our youth to Duluth June 25 – July 1. Talk to Jodi or Jason if you have a reliable van that you are wiling to lend for this trip.
- Second, if you are interested in sponsoring a couple of youth who are not able to afford the cost of Project Timothy, please email Jodi.
The cost per youth is $350 USD.