Our next Community Catalyst event is March 9 – and we need your input!
During our next gathering we’re going to review our Core Driving Needs with each other and then apply them to the church as a whole. How are they being met, or not? How are we creating a culture and community that energizes people, or not? In what ways could we adapt or shift the way we do things in order to unlock more of the Spirit’s gifts of belonging, security, freedom, significance and meaning in our community’s life?
It’s going to be interactive and practical. We expect that some of what we discuss and hear at this meeting will have a direct impact on our AGM April 11. We would love to have your input and perspective.
>>Wednesday, March 9, 7 – 9pm<<
Community Catalysts is our new yearly rhythm for everyone who wants to or is leading, influencing or serving the WCV community in some way shape or form. We’re calling you “catalysts” because you initiate activity, events or change within the WCV community in a positive way.
catalyst [ kat-l-ist ] “Something (or someone) that causes activity, an event or change.”
With this in mind, the goal of Community Catalysts is threefold:
- to encourage each other with connection and fun
- to equip each other with relevant training
- to envision each other to what God is calling us to
This is why we call you catalysts (1:22):…