We want you to be updated and in the know regarding the job postings we put early this year…
We had three strong applicants for our Pastoral Resource positions that we posted. A hiring committee was struck and we posted, did interviews, etc, and then Covid-19 hit. Not knowing the impact of this pandemic we decided to put the hiring process on pause for 60 days and reassess at that time. That timeframe has come and gone and not much is clearer so we have decided to put the process on pause indefinitely. This will give us time to properly evaluate and assess the community’s needs when we emerge from the Covid-19 reality. .
Regarding our Administration and Book-keeping positions, we are pleased to report that we have offered both positions to someone within the community who has vast experience in both accounting and systems management. He will be a great asset as we strive to create some structure that can serve the community and better enable us to accomplish our mission as a church. He will begin at the end of August. We can’t say who it is yet, because there are a few details that still need to be worked out on his end… but we will let you know as soon as we are able. Vanessa will continue until August at which time she will be transitioning to her new job at Calvin Christian School.
Dustin and Dynel Davidson have been serving as interim Youth director and interim Kids Ministry director respectively. They stepped into these positions in a very unique and challenging time. Both Dustin and Dynel agreed to serve until the end of this school year (June 30). Both have been working to help maintain a sense of connection to WCV for our younger generations. We will let you know developments in these important areas of church life as they unfold.