We want to take this opportunity to encourage you, wherever you’re at and whatever you’re feeling regarding the news we’ve received about Nathan. Like we’ve been acknowledging as a leadership team and like we’ve been hearing directly from many of you, there is a whole range of reactions, responses and ways of dealing with this situation that each of us will engage in. In the spirit of the Psalms, and with a posture of dependence and prayer, let’s bring whatever we’re carrying, whatever we’re feeling, to the feet of the Lord. This begins by acknowledging where we’re at. By being real, honest and vulnerable – by worshipping in spirit and in the truth of where we’re at. As we do this, our Father will lift us – Jesus, our Immanuel will be with us – the Holy Spirit will fill us. We will be met wherever we’re at, and God will be with us as we move through this. This is our hope.
As we continue to work through all the implications of this news we want to draw your attention to some opportunities for corporate prayer.
Pre-Gathering Prayer:
Our Pre-Gathering Prayer gathering happens in the Comfy Couch Room from 9:15 – 9:45 every Sunday morning. It is specifically a time to hold the church in prayer and to listen to what God may be saying for that gathering. It isn’t a time for personal ministry, although that sometimes happens.
Prayer Evening:
Thursday September 27 will be another Prayer evening similar to the one we hosted a few weeks ago. Please put this on your calendars.
Other Resources:
If you feel like you need to discuss this situation with someone in leadership, please don’t hesitate to reach out. If you don’t know who to contact, please just call the office and one of the Pastors, Elders or BOD members will return your call.
Lastly, we want to encourage those of you who need it, to access counselling. We know this situation has been triggering for some. We can help you find an appropriate and safe place to work through it. Contact the office.
Thank you for these words. ⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️