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The latest earthquake has left the country shaken, again. Among the many hardships, one positive side in this latest chapter is that many of the broken-but-not-fallen houses have now completely crumbled. This makes their demolition unnecessary and the clean-up much safer. However, physical infrastructure isn’t the only casualty. The emotional toll on everyone living through this time is immense. The numbers of missing, dead and injured continue to climb. People are sleeping in the streets again.
Raju says: “At night 2:15am another earthquake made us wakeup, it was once but powerful short. Thanks Lord for your protection. Now We are out from the room, going to sleep on the ground.”
The hidden toll, which cameras have difficulty capturing, is emotional – psychological. Trauma runs deep and can have long-lasting consequences. Please pray for our brothers and sisters, young and old. Pray that they would experience God’s centring, stabilizing and comforting presence. We will be organizing trauma-care in the future.
Helicopter Partnership
We are pleased to announce that we are working with Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF). They are providing us with air transport to the high mountain villages and have offered us a generous discount (it’s costing us only $190 / trip). We are now able to fly medical teams and supplies to the remote villages which were only accessible by foot before now. Yesterday a team flew into Nessing.
Tents will be flown into the remote villages to supplement existing temporary shelters.
Road & Shelters
In Nareshawr, Gorkha, the church has decided to build a road. Currently, to get from the town to the church property, one must cross a rope bridge then travel 3 km up a small path to the property. This is making transporting supplies very difficult. They’ve decided that upgrading the path to a road will be a boon for the village in the years to come as well as allow easier access for rebuilding supplies. Another NGO will build a bridge. It is great to see the church play a lead role in the village and we’re happy to support local ingenuity and initiative.
In Chhampi, a larger temporary shelter has been constructed in which the community can gather. It’s important to be together in times of crisis. This new shelter will allow the people to gather and it will become a community hub. Attached to the side is a shelter for Uddav and Pooja, the pastors at Chhampi.
- New Shelters
- Many people – one shelter
- A new shelter being constructed
3-Phase Plan
We have developed a strategic plan which involves Relief, Recovery and Rebuilding. A detailed plan will be available soon, but here’s the brief version.
Relief: involves issuing supplies for immediate food and shelter needs.
Recovery: involves demolition, clean-up, salvaging building supplies and recovering household items (like food, seeds, etc).
Rebuilding: will begin after the monsoon season is over near the beginning of September. Currently plans for prototype earthquake-proof houses. Details will be forthcoming.
It’s a Family Thing
We’ve been receiving donations from all over the world. It’s amazing to see the Vineyard family (and our cousins too) mobilize. It’s allowed our Himalayan Region Vineyard tribe be cared for and extend God’s love in practical ways to others in distress. The Himalayan Region Vineyards are deeply grateful and value not only your support, but your prayers as well.
Please continue to help us spread the word. The need is great and we have an amazing opportunity. We are in this for the long-haul.
>Please continue to PRAY.
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- Raju sporting a hardhat
- The 4×4 truck – a powerful gift
- Rice loaded to be delivered
- Cremation in Kathmandu
- A cleared site
- Kathmandu Vineyard courtyard – a hub of activity
- A crumbling house