Nepali Women’s Co-op started 10 years ago after a two week trip to Nepal. The markets were filled with beautiful wares colorful and practical. Also, the needs of the women were very apparent…how could we help? The idea was born… Purchase items in Nepali markets, sell them in Winnipeg, send all the profits to benefit Nepali women through education and micro business. Three years later a partnership with Third + Bird began.
Nepali Women’s Co-op provides start up costs for micro business, education costs for Primary, High School and Post Secondary School, and Tailoring Schools. Since the earthquake on May 15/15, earthquake relief has also become a focus, which includes providing shelter, food and other practical support.
Come support the Nepali Women’s Co-op this Friday and Saturday (April 29 + 30) at the Third + Bird Spring Market at the Transcona Country Club.