Have you been baptized before? Can you recall what happened? Do you remember what was going on in your heart?
Perhaps you haven’t been baptized yet.
In this series called Diving In, we want to explore the sacrament of Baptism. For those who have been baptized, we want to help you recall what happened that moment you followed Jesus into the waters. But it’s not only about remembering – we also want to explore how God is continually calling us to dive into his presence and welcome his life into our lives on an ongoing and daily basis. As we go deeper with Jesus, we all encounter things in our lives that hold us back and that we must be let go of – repent of – die to. Baptism is a one time event, but the realities it signify beckon to us as we follow Jesus throughout our days.
For those who have yet to be baptized, we hope this series will give you a solid understanding of what Baptism is and why it is a critical part of following Jesus. In some ways it will function like a baptism class that we all take together. We’d like to encourage you to be baptized on July 3, 2016 as part of our WCV Sunday Gathering at Bird’s Hill Park.
For all of us, we want to encourage and deepen our faith and experience of God as we follow him – even into the hard things life throws at us.
If you are interested in getting baptized, please contact the office or talk to one of the pastors. Also – this is a great opportunity to encourage your youth, or others you know to consider getting baptized.