Our world is pretty messed up. There’s a lot to like about our world, but there’s also much that’s just plain wrong – sickness, death, terror, fear, destruction. A quick scan of the headlines confirms that evil is present – it hasn’t always been so, and won’t always be the case.
Immediately after Adam and Eve sinned, God had a plan of for redemption and restoration of what was lost through sin (you can read Gen 3:15 for the first glimpse of a plan). He wouldn’t allow sin to have the final say in his creation. Jesus, is God’s response to sin. Our journey as followers and imitators of Jesus, is towards Christ-likeness. It’s really a journey back to the beginning. We were created in God’s very image, sin distorted that image, and Christ came to make a way for us to live into that again. To walk and talk once again with God our loving creator.
In a big sense, this is what the Outer Circle is all about. It is about th
e gift of salvation and how we participate in “working it out”. It’s our attempt to create just enough structure to help us on our journey towards being like Jesus. It’s the work of discipleship. It’s the joy and the task of submitting our wills, habits, desires, our very lives to God, who takes them and forms us into the likeness of his son.
If you are interested in joining the Outer Circle process, you are welcome to! Now is the time. The only requirement is that you have to commit to the process. Read more about it here or pick up a copy of the Outer Circle manual at the info table.
If you are currently in a Triad, now is the time to make your plan for the coming year.
The first Outer Circle gathering of the new year is Saturday, January 16 at 5:30pm.
If you need help finding a Triad, we can help. Please submit your name to the office. Also, at the first Outer Circle Gathering this year, we will have a table for newcomers who do not yet have a Triad. Our hope is that we can share together and perhaps some Triads will form naturally there.
Here are a few stories of people talking about the significance of the Outer Circle in their lives.