We want to give you an update on a few developments that are underway in the community. We know that many of you have been praying. Thanks for the prayers! We also know that some of you have been wondering what is going on regarding Jodi’s position. We hope this communication will answer some of what you may be wondering!
As you know, Jodi has resigned from her position as Generations Pastor. Her last day with us will be July 27, after which she’ll be moving to Kelowna with Mike and a few of their kids. Obviously this is a major transition both for the Labun family and for WCV. Jodi has faithfully and tenaciously served as our Generations pastor overseeing our Children, Youth and Family ministries, for the past number of years. Thanks Jodi!
Any time of transition is also an opportunity to evaluate and restructure as needed. To this end we are doing an extensive review along with Jodi of everything she has carried as our Generations Pastor. Some of what she has done is quite quantifiable – Children’s activities via Kid’s church, as well as overseeing the various youth groups is a lot of work, but also fairly straightforward. What isn’t as easy to quantify, but no less important, is the amount of pastoral care she has carried. We are prayerfully and carefully considering what kind of situation would best serve WCV in this next season, as well as what scenario we can afford. We don’t know what the complete picture will look like yet, but there are a few pieces already coming into place.
Jodi, along with a few members of the Leadership Team, are working hard to secure teams and individual volunteers to be in place so our children and youth ministries can continue with as little disruption as possible as we head into the Fall. This is applies to both Youth and Children’s ministries. So many people are involved in this effort – it really does take a village to raise a child. We want to see these teams confirmed and equipped in whatever ways they need in order to see our Children and Youth thrive into the future.
We are also carefully evaluating the pastoral load that the reduced pastoral team will be carrying. This past season has seen tremendous upheaval in this regard, and we are considering possibilities for help. These include looking for a part-time interim pastor and / or other coordinator level roles. If you have a desire to volunteer in any capacity, please let us know.
We will continue to keep you informed as opportunities and information is available. Thank you for your faithful support and prayers. Good things are in store for our community!