In the Vineyard we hold very dearly to the notion that ministry isn’t solely for a select group of “anointed” people. The fullness of the Spirit’s presence fills everyone who believes in Jesus! On the day of Pentecost, as recorded in Acts 2, the Spirit came with the sound of a violent wind and what seemed to be tongues of fire rested on each of the believers gathered together in the upper room.
Whereas in the Old Testament the Spirit filled people (usually leaders of some sort) for a specific time and purpose, Acts 2 marks the inauguration of the Holy Spirit’s abiding presence with all believers. It was this wonderful news that motivated Peter to address the crowd and proclaim the fact that God promised to pour His Spirit out on “all people,” including “sons and daughters, young men, old men, even on servants, and men and women.” In short, the Spirit doesn’t exclude anyone.
And if the fullness of the Spirit is for every believer, then so are all the hallmarks of Jesus’ ministry. So we’re really not that surprised that Nasira (a four year old) healed her sister Maiya’s arm in the name of Jesus. We’re filled with excitement and joy that kids get to participate in ministry, and that God has anointed them to do all of the works of the kingdom. After all, everyone gets to play!