Introducing a New BOD Member

We are excited to announce that Deyan Momtchilov has agreed to an invitation to serve on the Board of Directors. This will be an item that will be up for ratification by the membership at our Annual General Meeting on April 12 (mark your calendars). Deyan will join Cornelius Martens (BOD Chair) and Sara Epp on the BOD. Note that Andrew Chan and Andy Wood also attend BOD meetings as invited liaisons. Also, while we’re on the subject of leadership, don’t forget we’re seeking your input in the discernment process for New Elders.

A little about Deyan:

Deyan Momtchilov

Deyan and his wife Deanna have been part of the Winnipeg Centre Vineyard for over 20 years and continue to consider it home. They first met through one of the church’s house groups and got to know each other while serving the community together.

Over the years, the two have led a house group, completed the church’s internship program, and contributed to the creative community and kids church in leadership and supporting capacities. During his internship with WCV, Deyan was part of the development of the School of Justice, the set-up of the Hadishville Farm and directly involved with the church’s ministry to our street community.

Deyan’s educational background is in architecture. He earned his degree in Environmental Design from the University of Manitoba and worked as a project manager in the construction industry in the years to follow before joining the City’s Planning, Property and Development Department. He is currently on the management team of the Development and Inspections Division.

Another intersecting point of Deyan’s knowledge and interests has been the investment in residential real estate. Along with his partners, he has been providing safe and affordable housing in the community for over a decade.

Deyan and Deanna have four children, Simeon, Esther, Kaloyana and Gavrail, and live in the Scotia Heights neighbourhood of the city.


Feature Image credit: by Tobias Mrzyk on Unsplash