Home Group Resource for “That You May Know” series

As we’re getting into our new sermon series “That You May Know: finding and following Jesus in John’s letters”, we hope you’re beginning to follow along as individuals, in Home Groups or Triads. We’ve compiled a few resources to help with this.

Here is a great overview from the Bible Project:

Here is the schedule and corresponding scriptures:

  • Sept 19: John’s World, an introduction. 1 John 1:1-4
  • Sept 26: 1 John reading
  • Oct 3: God’s Light and Our Darkness. 1 John 1:5-2:2
  • Oct 11: Thanksgivng & Baptism
  • Oct 17: God’s New Commandment. 1 John 2:3-14
  • Oct 24: People of the Lie. 1 John 2:15-29
  • Oct 31: Born of God / Pirates & Pumpkins. 1 John 2:1-10
  • Nov 7: The Challenge of Love. 1 John 3:11-4:6
  • Nov 14: God’s Love. 1 John 4:7-5:5
  • Nov 21: The True God. 1 John 5:6-21

We encourage you to use a simple too for reflection. In most Home Group settings the goal isn’t so much inductive bible study or deep exegesis but rather encounter. We’re aiming to be present to the Holy Spirit as the Holy Spirit is present to us. This happens as we look at the text together. One simple tool that helps facilitate this is Lectio Divina. All of the passages are short enough to do this well (you could shorten them further if you choose). A number of Home Groups have used this tool effectively for a long time.

View or Download our guide to Lectio Divina here.

Lastly, RightNow Media has some great resources for more in depth study. Contact the office if you do not have login info for our church RightNow Media account. The “Mr. Phil Show” has some great content that is accessible for most kids, but also meaty enough that most adults will find it very helpful too!


Need a House Group?

This Fall we’re encouraging everyone to participate in a House Group. Following Jesus is never a lone-ranger deal. We need each other. The care, companionship, support, encouragement, challenge and joy that comes in life-on-life situations is key to becoming more Christlike.

A short survey of the New Testament indicates the priority the early church had on meeting together in homes. Here’s a quick summary: Acts 2:46, 5:42 and 20:20 they went “house to house”. In Acts 8:3, “house after house”. They met in Cornelius’ house (Acts 10:2), Mary’s house (Acts 12:12), the Jailor’s house (Acts 16:32), Lydia’s house (Acts 16:40) and Titius Justus’ house (Acts 18:7). Elsewhere in the New Testament they met in Priscila & Aquila’s home (Rom 16:5), Nympha’s house (Col 4:15), and Philemon’s house (Phil 1:2).

In a time when many of us have been more isolated than we would like, now is a time to press in to House Groups. There will be some old ones continuing on, some will rearrange, and a few new groups will be starting as well!

Also, one of the House Groups this year will be running the Emotionally Healthy Spirituality course. If you missed it last Fall, this is an opportunity for you. It is a commitment, but well worth it. You can find out more about it here.

If you are currently in a group, please reach out to your House Group leader / facilitator and see if there are plans for this Fall.

If you are not currently part of a House Group, or if you want to mix up your current group and meet new people, please let us know. We are collecting names and a few details that will help us create new groups for this Fall – including the Emotionally Healthy Spirituality group. We are asking new House Groups to commit to a 3-month Fall schedule. Some will meet weekly, others bi-weekly. Some will meet in person, others online.

For those groups that will be meeting in person, Covid-19 protocols will be in place. Those experiencing any symptoms should stay home. Those gathering in person will practice physical distancing and hand sanitization. Of course we will update requirements if and when restrictions change.

If you want to be in a Regular House Group this Fall, or if you would like to participate in the Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Group, please fill out this form:

Create your own user feedback survey

Photo by Danielle MacInnes on Unsplash