Exciting news! We have identified three areas in which the Winnipeg Centre Vineyard church community needs more support and have created three positions that will help meet those needs. We are looking to expand our staff team with the following Pastoral Resource positions:
1) Community Care & Development. The purpose of this position is to provide leadership for the development and care of House Groups, Triads and volunteer engagement in WCV. Expectations include promoting, developing and envisioning participation in life-building relationships for those who call WCV home as well as creating systems and processes that promote a flourishing volunteer culture.
2) Neighbourhood Engagement & Outreach. This position is responsible for the care and development of Winnipeg Centre Vineyard’s (WCV) relationships with the neighbourhood including the Street Parish, outreach activities and Care Portal.
3) Enfolding & Hospitality. The purpose of this position is to care for all aspects of welcome and hospitality in Winnipeg Centre Vineyard (WCV). This position is responsible for creating, envisioning and tending pathways for new people to become part of WCV. Additionally this role cares for people in difficult or transition stages of life.
These positions are all part-time. We are open to one person filling all three positions if they have the gifts and skills for doing so. Alternately, we may have one separate person for each position. We are excited to see what God wants and who God brings to meet these needs.
View the Job Descriptions:
To Apply:
- Please forward a cover letter and resume to: andy@wcvchurch.ca
- Should you be invited to participate in the next stage of the hiring process, we will be asking for three references, one from each of the following categories:
- Current or recent leader you have served with.
- Spiritual mentor.
- Team member or co-worker.
- Applications will be accepted until February 9, 2020.
UPDATE (Feb 10, 2020): Please note we are no longer receiving applications for this posting. Thanks.
Resources relevant to this post:
- Winnipeg Centre Vineyard’s “Core Practices”
- Vineyard Canada’s “Why Vineyard?”