Last fall, we embarked on a process to discern who God was inviting into eldership at the Vineyard. As we mentioned then, Cliff and Krista Heide’s names came to the forefront of discussion and prayer. We’ve since invited them to be prospective elders. This means that they will come to our meetings and participate in normal elder activities in the Vineyard. At the end of this prospective period (March 2015) we will determine if they would like to have their names stand to be elders. If it seems good to us and the Holy Spirit (Acts 15:28) the formal membership of WCV will vote on them. Go here for more info on formal membership.
Until then, let’s pray for Cliff & Krista along with the rest of the elder team. We are in a season of prayerfully envision WCV’s future. The current elder team includes, the Pastoral staff along with Ben & Debra Kelly and Paul & Sherry Ansloos.