Parents, guardians, and those who are passionate about kids and youth:
Please join us Sunday evening September 13th at 7:00 pm at 782 Main St. We would like to consider together how to best come alongside our kids and youth in their walks with God and we need you!
Kids are not the future church, they are the church of today. These years are critical. The majority of people who follow the Lord make a decision at some point between 4 and 14 years of age. The next decade of their lives is the season where they deepen that faith and make a decision whether to continue this faith into the rest of their lives.
We have put a great deal of thought into the kids and youth ministries. Please consider the following questions that we explore
further on Sunday.
- What are you longing for in regard to your children’s and/or youth’s spiritual formation?
- Would you be comfortable bringing your kids or youth to an in-person ministry if chairs were set up to maintain physical distancing? What measures would you feel are important to ensure safety?
- Are you comfortable with you kids/youth attending an in-person small group? If so, how many people or families would be a reasonable size for you?
- What priorities would you have for kids and youth ministry in this next season?
- What do you/does your family have to offer to join in or volunteer in the area of kids and youth?
We look forward to connecting on Sunday. If for some reason you are
not able to attend, we would still love to hear from you. You can send in your responses to the questions above to the office. You can also let us know if you’d like to speak to someone in leadership directly. Thank you!
Photo by Anna Kolosyuk on Unsplash