The sermon series looks at Jesus’ ministry through his interactions during meals. We see we can use meals, like Jesus did, to minister to those around us. Meals welcome others into our lives and help others feel invited and included. As you read the Gospels – specifically in Luke and in John, you can’t help but notice the long, unrushed meals where part of Jesus’ life.
Sing It! The Songs of Advent in Luke’s Gospel
This season we will examine the Advent songs in Luke’s gospel which speaks of God’s faithfulness.
Dec 1: Mary’s Song – Jesus came to fulfill a promise. Luke 1:46-56. Mary’s song praises God for His mercy & faithfulness. We will take a look at her story, and see how the words of her worshipful song reveal the glory of what God accomplished through Jesus.
Dec 8: Zechariah’s Song – Jesus came to save humanity. Luke 1:67-80. Zechariah’s song praises God for keeping His promises. Let’s find out who Zechariah was, and examine the truths that are revealed through his words about God’s Messiah.
Dec 15: The Angels’ Song – Jesus came to bring peace. Luke 2:14. The angels sing of glory to God & praise Him for bringing peace on earth. We’ll look at the story of the Shepherds and focus on the significance of why the angels sang proclamations of glory and peace.
Dec 22: Simeon’s Song – Jesus came to reveal God’s truth to everyone. Luke 2:29-32. Simeon’s words aren’t technically referred to as a “song.” We’re talking a little poetic license here. His words were an outburst of praise to God upon seeing the baby Jesus. (That qualifies as a song.) Simeon praised God for fulfilling His covenant with Abraham to bless all people through Israel. Tell the story of Simeon and Anna, and focus on the significance of Simeon’s words of praise.
Dec 24: Christmas Eve in Candlelight
Dec 29: Always Levelling Up : God’s Work In Us Never Ends. 2 Corinthians 3:7-18. This stand-alone lesson on 2 Corinthians 3:18, focuses on the idea of “Ever increasing glory.” God’s transformational work in our lives is constant and never-ending. We never arrive, but continually grow closer to God. As we do so, we continually experience newer and greater levels of spiritual growth and faith in Jesus.
Summer Series and Serving
With only two weeks left in the school year, summer planning is in full swing!
Summer Cinema is the theme for this summer. We’ll look at the lessons and Biblical truth that can be gleaned from some carefully selected movies. No, we won’t be watching the whole thing on a Sunday morning, but various speakers will be showing clips and helping us look for the truth behind the tinsel.
We will have supervised time for kids aged 3 through third grade in our KidsChurch area. Our regular team of amazing volunteers gets a well-deserved break over the summer, so we are looking for a few individuals who would like to help out upstairs. By filling out THIS FORM, you can let us know when you’re available. Background checks are mandatory.
Our Youth will be hanging out here and there throughout the summer. That schedule will be posted shortly!
See you at the movies!
Sermon Series 2024
January 7th The Book of Judges (Judges 1:1 – 3:6)
January 14th The gospel in Judges
January 21st Othiel & Ehud (Judges 3-7-30)
January 28th Deborah, Barak & Jael (Judges 4:1-5:31)
February 4th Gideon (Judges 6:1- 8:35)
February 11th Jephthah & Samson (Judges 11:1 – 13:1)
Ordinary people who God can redeem, restore, and use for His glory.
Advent 2023
Our sermon series for the month of December is called: The Jesus Family Tree. Each week we will be looking at different women in the Bible. We will consider the lives of Sarah, Rahab, Ruth, Mary and Anna. We will be reflecting on the following themes: Hope, Peace, Joy, Love and Anticipation.
Lani Wiens, our Kids and Youth Ministry Director, explained it well:
“From the very beginning, God was creating a family. He was building relationships with a people that He called out to be His own. Unfortunately, those children disappointed, wandered and rejected Him over and over; yet He never gave up on them.
His beautiful plan of redemption spans the arc of history.
Throughout the weeks of December, we will hear God`s story unfolding. Even though it looked like the main tree was cut off, the promised delayed; life and hope were still deeply rooted in God`s heart.
Isaiah 11:1 says, “Out of the stump of David’s family will grow a shoot— yes, a new Branch bearing fruit from the old root.”
The passage goes on to prophecy about the Messiah and what glorious blessing will come through the new shoot.”
On the last Sunday of 2023 (December 31) we will take a closer look at Anna, Lady in Waiting (Luke 2:36 -38).
*Remember to collect your interactive advent preparation guide at church this Sunday.
Christmas Tree Jubilee
Fall in the Psalms
Our new sermon series for October and November, Fall in the Psalms, will take a deeper look at some themes in the Psalms.
I love the book of Psalms because it is raw and honest. As followers of Christ, we can identify with the songs, poems and prayers of the writers. Throughout the ages, it has helped believers through times of hardship, heartache and discouragement. On a personal level, the Psalms have inspired my own prayer life and journey with Jesus. He truly is the Good Shepherd.
October 1 Praise in the Psalms (Psalm 113:3)
October 8 Thanksgiving (Psalm 95:1-3)
October 15 Psalms of Confidence (Psalm 23 & 131)
October 22 My Soul Longs for You (Psalm 42:1)
October 29 Fear Not (Psalm 63:1 & 27)
November 5 He Rescued Them (Psalm 107:6)
November 12 Psalms of Disorientation (Psalm 13 & 69)
November 19 The LORD Who… (Psalm 146)
November 26 I Sought the LORD (Psalm 34:4)
When talking about the Psalms, Jason Soroski says “…we are given testimonies of praise, lament, repentance, and worship. We are given a preview of who the Messiah will be, and how his salvation will reach throughout the world.”
May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine on us so that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations. May the peoples praise you, God; may all the peoples praise you. Psalm 67:1-3
You Are Invited
Join us at Winnipeg Centre Vineyard for our sermon mini series entitled “You Are Invited”.
Tables can be the place where family and friends gather. A place where we celebrate Thanksgiving or Christmas dinners. A table can be a place where meals are shared, and stories are told. It can be a place of laughter, tears, hard conversations, and prayer. Someone once said it could be a place where “old friends catch up and new friends are made.”
In “The Dinner Table as a Place of Connection, Brokenness, and Blessing,” Barry D. Jones writes:
“I’m convinced that one of the most important spiritual disciplines for us to recover in the kind of world in which we live, is the discipline of table fellowship.”
“Our dinner tables have the potential to be the most “missional” places in all of our lives. Perhaps before we invite people to Jesus or invite them to church, we should invite them to dinner. If table fellowship is a spiritual discipline that is vital for shaping and sustaining our life with God for the world, we need to make a point to share our tables with people who are in our lives but far from God. This was one of the most distinctive aspects of Jesus’s ministry.”
As we look at God’s grace through the life of David (2 Samuel 9:1-12) and look at the example of Jesus (Matthew 11:28-30), we can be encouraged to show grace, kindness and hospitality to others.
We’re Hiring!!
Winnipeg Centre Vineyard is inviting applications for the position of
Assistant to the Director of Kids and Youth Ministry
NOTE: While this job description is for an assistant to the Director of Kids and Youth Ministry, we recognize that there might be more than one way to fulfill the responsibilities outlined. We are open to a job-share arrangement to fill this part-time position.
View the full job description and details by clicking on the position title.
Send your application and cover letter to Mauritz at
Posted August 3, 2023. Closing date August 24, 2023.
Summer Series – I Wonder Why? Getting Curious About Our Faith and Practices.
We are excited to announce our new summer series! Building off the success of our “Investigator” series last summer, we are once again preparing for 10 weeks of inter-generational, family-friendly gatherings!
This year our sermon series is called:
“I Wonder Why…” Getting Curious about Our Faith and Practices.”
Why do we give? Why do we pray? Why do we go to church?
Our hope is that over the course of the summer, we will be able to engage with questions like these in ways that are both accessible and engaging for all ages. We want to enter into these questions with a posture of curiosity and wonder. What can we discover as we explore each topic through scripture, story, activities, and experience? What might God want to show us and invite us into?
Our summer gatherings will run from 10:00 am – 11:15 am (note the shortened time), and we have the privilege to learn from some amazing members of our community.
We hope you can join us!
Week 1 – July 2 – I Wonder Why WeTake Communion? (Mauritz)
Week 2 – July 9 – I Wonder Why We Pray? (Lani, Violet and Kelly)
Week 3 – July 16 – I Wonder Why We Go to Church? (Brett)
——July 23 – Bird’s Hill Park (Baptism and Picnic) ——–
Week 4 – July 30 – I Wonder Why We Do Spiritual Practices? (Derek and Ashley)
Week 5 – Aug. 6 – I Wonder Why We Believe the Bible is True? (Krista)
Week 6 – Aug. 13 – I Wonder Why We Are Invited to Play and Create? (Dave Johns)
Week 7 – Aug. 20 – I Wonder Why We Love our Neighbour and the Stranger? (John Mark)
Week 8- Aug. 27 – I Wonder Why We Give? (Mauritz)
Week 9 – Sept. 3 –I Wonder Why We Serve? (Dustin)
Week 10 – Sept. 10 – Wrap Up the Series – I Wonder Why We Wonder? (Lani)
Community Worship Night
David Ruis and Melt van der Spuy will be with us for a night of worship and stories of the Vineyard.
Friday, May 12 at 7pm. Come join us!
Vineyard 101: Our history, values and distinctives
One of Wimber’s most famous sayings was “everyone gets to play.” John had a firm belief that ‘everybody gets to play’ by which he was keen to deflect attention away from the person with the microphone, and taught that everyone gets to ‘do the stuff’ not just the person on the stage. He was strongly suspicious of the professionalization of ministry, and wanted ordinary people to feel equipped to participate in God’s kingdom. (Vineyard USA)
Kenn Gulliksen was one of many thousands of young people who came to faith in Jesus Christ in California during what Time magazine called “The Jesus Revolution”, or “Jesus People Revival”, in the late 1960’s. In 1974, after working as an assistant pastor at Calvary Chapel in Costa Mesa, California and planting a church called Jesus Chapel in El Paso, Texas, Kenn and his wife Joannie moved to Los Angeles to begin a ministry that had been on their hearts for several years. Starting as a small Bible study, the fellowship quickly grew into a church. God prophetically gave the name “Vineyard” to those who initially gathered together. In the next few years literally thousands received Jesus Christ through the ministries of the church. Several couples went out and began other Vineyards in California: quickly growing churches with priorities of worship, relationship, healing, training and giving.
John Wimber became a part of the fledgling group of new churches, and by 1981 it soon became obvious that God had called John to pastor the pastors, and to train and encourage men and women to pursue what God had given them. As a result, the people called the Vineyard have reached out to bless and encourage churches all over the world, as well as planting churches. (VSA:
In May and June we will shift our focus to a sermon series entitled: Vineyard 101. We will take time to reflect on our history as a movement. Each week, we will be looking at a specific Vineyard distinctive and discover how these impact our church, community and sphere of influence in our daily lives.
We will be focusing on these values and distinctives for the next eight weeks:
May 7: Welcome to the Vineyard
May 14: What is the Kingdom?
May 21: What is worship?
May 28: Come Holy Spirit (Pentecost)
June 4: Winnipeg Centre Vineyard History and Distinctives
June 11: Remember the Poor
June 18: Justice (Reconciliation)
June 25: Authentic Community
For more information on these and other values and distinctives please visit Vineyard USA.