Follow-up to our AGM / Community Meeting

Dear WCV,

Thank you to everyone who came and participated in our AGM / community meeting on Monday evening. It was our most well attended and passionate AGM in years. This is wonderful, primarily because it indicates that you care – deeply. Thank you as well, for everyone who shared their thoughtful questions, insights, emotion, confessions and suggestions. It was very helpful for the leadership team as we continue to navigate this season… and we believe God was honoured by the whole evening.

We ran out of time, but thankfully, there will be more opportunities to be together, ask questions, ratify the budget, and share together. We want to outline those opportunities here as well as let you know of a few actions that are a direct result of hearing from you on Monday.


We so appreciated hearing the heart and dismay behind the loss of Suhail’s position and the suspension of Drop-in. This sentiment was very clear. We’ve resolved to not just pause Drop-in until we can re-envision it, but rather to work at getting it going again as soon as possible, and then engage a re-visioning process with all the stake-holders. Like was stated on Monday, none of these decisions were easy to make. The BOD and Lay Elders agonized over the salary decisions (Andy, Jodi & Suhail weren’t involved in these specific discussions). We knew that these reductions would have a direct impact on various ministries as the staff worked out the implications on reduced time. At this point we can see that we should have kept Drop-in going. We will work to make it right. If you’re interested in volunteering in any capacity, please contact the office.

Input and Care:

Like we mentioned at the meeting, we have a number of initiatives planned. None of these will be perfect nor will any one initiative work for everybody. For example, not everyone will have the time or the personality to speak up at a community meeting. We hope, however, that cumulatively we will reach as many of you as possible. While these initiatives are not necessarily decision making times we do want to listen deeply, and lead carefully, all towards healing and moving forward together. To that end:

1) Survey

Watch for a simple survey that will be an opportunity to input into the life of the church. We need to know where you’re at, what you’re feeling, what you view as the greatest challenges, as well as our unique opportunities right now.

2) Talking Circles

We’ve had one, we’re going to have more. This Sunday (March 17), 12pm. Bring a bag lunch – childcare will be provided onwards from April 7th till May 12th (excluding Easter). These are opportunities to share where you’re at, unto healing. There will be a number of them planned around curated topics.

3) Next Community Meeting

At this point our next window for a meeting is the end of April. Spring break, the Imaginarium, the Men’s Retreat, and Easter are all factors in this timing. Watch for the date.

4) Reach out

We are open to hearing perspectives, concerns, prophetic nudges, etc. Please reach out to the Elders, who represent you in leadership. Both the pastoral and lay elders are available.

We encourage you to read the AGM booklet – physical copies are available at the info table, or you can email the office to ask for a digital copy. Unfortunately, there is no audio recording available of the meeting. There were some technical difficulties.

Lastly, a huge thank you for hanging in there during a difficult season. Thank you, too, for your prayers, support and encouragement. We are in this together, and God is with us. This, of course, is our great hope! Good things are in store for us as a community as we press in. Let’s keep it real, keep it focused on Jesus, and keep leaning into God as we do the work of loving God and each other. Let the Kingdom come!

Women’s Night

Calling all women… here is an invitation to you from Elisa Jersak:
It has been awhile my friends. My heart is longing to connect and offer a space to be – whatever we may carry.
This is a night to gather…to worship, to pray and eat pies. Hope you can make it.
January 24, 2019
Comfy couch room
Watch the calendar for more Women’s night events (they’re scheduled monthly).

Help Needed in the New Year

As we plan for the new year we can see that we are in need of a few new volunteers for our Sunday morning gatherings. If you would like to give to the community in this way we’d love to have some new faces join our serving rotation in 2019!

Please prayerfully consider the following roles:

(*Orientation will be provided for all roles, some will have additional training.)

Sound Board Technicians: 1 volunteer needed-This job requires an niche for music and an early morning (8:15am) arrival. *Additional training will be provided.

Ushers: 2 volunteers needed – A simple but important responsibility on a Sunday morning. The lead usher coordinates passing the offering baskets, fills out our Sunday morning tally (head count), receives newcomer registrations and locks up the offering after it has been collected. *Women are welcome!

Projectionists: 1 volunteer needed – The projectionist should arrive by 9:15am to make sure all music, power points & slides are in order. *Additional training will be provided.

Communion: 1 volunteer needed- Communion preparation requires a 9:15am arrival to fill the cups and break the bread. There is space for creativity in this role with how the table is set & prepared. Post service clean up takes approximately 15 minutes.

Creative Healing Talking Circle

In August our body was rocked and many of us have been reeling as we attempt to deal with the impact of that news. We recognize that there is a wide range of reaction to this, and we know that for many of us there is a need to continue to process all that has happened. We have had a few times of gathering together to lament, to worship, to talk and to pray. We know that many have continued to process in house groups, in triads, with close friends, with counsellors and in a variety of other ways. Here is another way of continuing the healing dialogue for those who feel they need it.

As a part of an ongoing process of recovery and healing we’re hosting a talking circle, looking at the August news through creative process. Anyone who identifies as creative or has been since August (1st time creatives are welcome) is invited to gather with us. It’s good to be together and to know what state we’re in. (1Cor 12:26)

“The talking circle platform provides a safe space for everyone to share and for every person’s voice to be heard.”

A Word on the Process:

The talking circle platform provides a safe space for everyone to share and for every person’s voice to be heard. The format will be quite simple. We will open in prayer. We will each be given an opportunity to share our creative processing or our inability to process the August news. (Sharing is not required.) During this time there will be no questions asked or feedback given to the person sharing – the rest of us will be listening. The person sharing is welcome to share as much or as little as they like. After everyone who wants to has shared once, we’ll go around the circle once more and reflect on how we’ve been impacted by what we’ve heard. The focus will centre on personal reaction, feelings evoked, your new perspective, etc., to what we’ve heard; not critique, disagreement or engagement with the details of what others have shared.

A Word on the Vision:

Why would we do this? Deep listening is important. Safe spaces need to be made for people to be real with each other. With the recent news many of us have been isolated in and because of our feelings.  Just as a community is made of individuals, so too individuals make the community. Each person connected to our community and who is impacted by this news needs space to process and heal as an individual who is a part of a complex web of relational ties. This is one way to seek healing: by being open about how we’ve been doing and to be moved by the pain (and potentially hope) of others. Paul suggests that “If one part suffers, every part suffers with it.” He also suggests that “if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.” We’re in this together. Let’s listen and honour each other.

-Jeff Leighton

The Talking Circle will take place on Tuesday, December 4th at 7pm at Winnipeg Centre Vineyard.

An Invitation to Create

The Creative Team would like to invite you to participate in a series of artistic expressions that centre around Advent. The season of Advent provides an opportunity to slow down, to reflect, to consider and to give attention to the story at the centre of our faith. When art is shared communally it can be a powerful gift. We are looking for poets, songwriters, dancers, painters and makers of all kinds.

“When art is shared communally it can be a powerful gift.”

Our advent series will lead us into a time of contemplating the humility of Christ – The Humble King. We will spend time exploring Paul’s text found in Philippians 2:1-11 as we journey through the traditional advent themes of hope, peace, joy and love through this lens.

Therefore if there is any encouragement in Christ, if there is any consolation of love, if there is any fellowship of the Spirit, if any affection and compassion,  make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose. Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others. Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus, who, although He existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, and being made in the likeness of men. 

“Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus.”

 Being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. For this reason also, God highly exalted Him, and bestowed on Him the name which is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow, of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and that every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”

Our goal is to nurture and celebrate the diversity of gifts within our community and we hope to highlight and incorporate creative art into our worship time at WCV. There are a variety of ways for this to be done. If you would like to participate in any way, please contact Krista Heide or Jessica Williams.


Help Needed in the New Year

As we plan for the new year we can see that we are in need of a few new volunteers for our Sunday morning gatherings. If you would like to give to the community in this way we’d love to have some new faces join our serving rotation in 2019!

Please prayerfully consider the following roles.

MAIN GATHERING NEEDS: *Orientation will be provided for all roles, some will have additional training.

Sound Board Technicians: 1 -This job requires an niche for music and an early morning (8:15am) arrival. *Additional training will be provided.

Ushers: 2 – A simple but important responsibility on a Sunday morning. The lead usher coordinates passing the offering baskets, fills out our Sunday morning tally (head count), receives newcomer registrations and locks up the offering after it has been collected. *Women are welcome!

Projectionists: 1 – The projectionist should arrive by 9:15am to make sure all music, power points & slides are in order. *Additional training will be provided.

Communion: 1 – Communion preparation requires a 9:15am arrival to fill the cups and break the bread. There is space for creativity in this role with how the table is set & prepared. Post service clean up takes approximately 15 minutes.

Messages of Love

Over the past few weeks many people have contacted WCV with messages of love, encouragement and assurance of prayer for all of us. Here are just a few we’d like to highlight for you now.

Joyce Rees (National Council Member and Pastor at Epic Vineyard in Kelowna)

The LORD is close to the broken hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. Psalm 34:18

“In all circumstances we look to the Lord, and our great comfort is that He is close, especially to those who are “crushed in spirit”. My encouragement is that you would keep turning toward Him. Speak honestly to Him. Many are praying, most hours of every day, that you would experience the Holy Spirit’s presence very near to you. We are sending you our love.”

David and Anita Ruis (Vineyard Canada National Directors)

“You are not alone.”

“Hey WCV family,

We just wanted to drop you a quick note to let you know we love you and are walking beside you as you journey through this challenging time.

People coast to coast are holding you in prayer. We are coming alongside your team there with as much resourcing and support as we can muster.

You are not alone. We’re in this together. Be assured of our care and concern for everyone impacted, and our deep awareness of the wide range of emotions, reactions and triggers that such events bring to the surface. We are extremely proud of the way you are handling this.

Huge love and prayers.”

David and Anita, on behalf of your Vineyard Canada family.

And this week Provencher Community Church gifted us this painting that was created for our community during a recent worship service. It was delivered personally, with warmth and love. The back is signed, “Standing together with our Vineyard family.”

There are many more messages like this that will continue to be shared.

Community Campout Survey

Our annual WCV Community Campout has been a valued tradition for many years. These weekends provide a prolonged time of connection and fun for those who come. We’d love to see more people make it out so we are asking for a little feedback. Please help us by taking a moment to fill out the survey below. We want to hear from you![gravityform id=”23″ title=”true” description=”true”]

WCV Community Campout

About 40 of us made it out to our annual community campout over the long weekend. The weather was just right, the fire well tended, friendship was nurtured and the food kept flowing as we shared with one another. There is something special about being together like this – away from the busyness of city life. We welcomed in new friends and sat with old friends too. Some highlights this year included a C.S. Lewis read aloud around the fire, an entertaining game of Jenga and a delicious feast that was joyfully prepared by Bill and Katherine. In the middle of it all, one member of our community looked up and said, “People are so generous here.” It’s really true. Thank you to everyone who came out. You extended love to each other in such beautiful ways.

James and Sam playing catch in the field.

Jeff and Nathan playing Jenga by the fire.

Outer Circle Reboot & AGM

The inspiration for the Outer Circle was a result of a prophetic word given a number of years ago. It’s the picture of Musk Oxen who form a protective circle around the vulnerable members of the herd in times of trouble. This is a glimpse of the kind of community God has called us to be. This hasn’t changed. However, the Outer Circle has changed over the years. This year we’re doing a complete reboot. Here’s what it’ll look like:

Three simple words: Transformation, Training and Togetherness.

When we gather we will have a short inspirational training and practice on a particular spiritual exercise. It is designed for anyone in a Triad or a House Group, as well as for anyone else who gets together with others for the purpose of pursuing spiritual growth on a regular basis. Everyone is welcome to any of the gatherings.

Everything that was part of the Outer Circle gatherings and process in the past has changed, except the existence of Triads and the actual gatherings, which will be less involved and more focussed on equipping (and dessert) – keep reading!


Being formed in Christlikeness is arguably the primary task (or result) of following Jesus. While it most certainly involves us, this formation is primarily a work of the Holy Spirit. However it isn’t only about our own transformation. As we grow closer to God we get closer to the heart of God which, at its core, is missional. You’ll never catch God navel gazing! The journey inward will always lead outward. The question is, what do I find on the inward journey and what kind of person will I be on the outward journey? How does my world experience me? Do I bring with me the hope, peace, love and joy of the gospel or am I offering something else? In reality we’re all a mix of both – but the point is we bring who we are. The purpose of the Outer Circle is to focus on spiritual transformation so that we can become the kind of people – the kind of community – that God is calling us to become. This means getting in touch with God, our core desires and longings and watching the process unfold!

 The purpose of the Outer Circle is to focus on spiritual transformation so that we can become the kind of people – the kind of community – that God is calling us to become.


Some of the most basic building blocks of spiritual transformation are practices that have been around many years. A number of us have been exploring some of these practices as a result of our involvement in the Schools of Spiritual Direction – and we can tell you, they’re transformative! At each Outer Circle gathering we will focus on a particular practice, or exercise. We will teach it and then practice it right there together. The purpose is to expose you to a way of being with God that you may not have experienced before. This will be helpful in the moment but will also prove valuable for House Group leaders, Triads, and for any other groups you may be in. They are tools that can be used in other places. Certainly some of the exercises are meant to be practiced alone. These too will produce fruit and will be useful for sharing in Triads and House Groups. Each Outer Circle gathering will have practical resource to take home (experience & hand-outs).


The Outer Circle is a place of connection. Life isn’t meant to be walked alone. Beyond Sunday mornings, people connect in a number of important and life-giving ways. Triads are small groups of people (usually 2 – 4) who regularly meet together to support, care for, share and pray for one another. House Groups are a little larger but have the same basic reason for being. Some House Groups will have a more specific focus than others, but connection and support for the journey are always key components. There are a variety of other ways people connect in WCV. The Outer Circle is a place for these groups to receive encouragement, training and support. The Outer Circle is meant to serve what’s happening elsewhere.

>>What’s Changed?

  • Less involved gatherings (no more meals with childcare).
  • More focussed gatherings emphasizing transformation & training.
  • No more “Prayer, People, Plan process”.
  • No more annual renewal.
  • Don’t have to commit to an annual process.
  • The purpose of Triads is connection and support – not to keep track of each other’s plans.
  • The time (7pm – 9pm).

>>What stays the same?:

  • Triads are still an essential and live-giving way to find connection and support in the Vineyard.
  • Triads and House Groups are still primary ways of belonging in the Vineyard (but not the only ways).
  • The basic vision of encouraging growth remains the same.
  • The day (still on Saturdays).

A Word about Membership at the Vineyard

Membership at the Vineyard is spelled out here. In short it means “Belong, Serve, Give”. Participation in a Triad in the Outer Circle process has been one of the markers of belonging (as has being part of a House Group). This isn’t changing.


>>Saturday, March 10, 7pm – 9pm

  • 6:50pm: dessert & coffee

  • 7pm: AGM – 2017 financial report & 2018 budget

  • 8pm: Outer Circle – Vision and Exercise

NOTE: There will no longer be childcare.





Outer Circle – obeying our way to becoming more like Jesus

We’re quickly coming up to the last Outer Circle gathering of 2017 on October 28. If you’re in the OC this year, we trust your Triads have been meeting, sharing, supporting and praying for each other. This is, after all, the whole point of the Outer Circle process – relationship and growth.

None of us can study our way to become more like Jesus – rather we obey our way to become more like Jesus.

If there is one lesson I’ve learned the past few years, it’s that I can’t make myself more like Jesus. There’s nothing I can do to make growth happen inside me. I can set up the conditions, I can learn, I can posture myself for growth, but in the end it is a work of the Holy Spirit. None of us can study our way to become more like Jesus – rather we obey our way to become more like Jesus. In other words, the habits and practices we form in response to the teaching and leading of Jesus will create favourable conditions for becoming more like him. This is the whole point of Triads and the Outer Circle process. It’s simply a track – a way of opening yourself up to God’s leading in the midst of small pockets of community that will encourage, promote and stimulate growth. That work doesn’t happen in meetings (usually). Rather it happens in the coffee shops, pubs, living rooms and wherever else you meet up with your Triad to share areas of strength and growth and the actions (habits) you’ve formed in order to encourage growth and share strength.

If you’re not part of the Outer Circle this year, you’re still welcome to join. Each year begins a new cycle. Being an active participant in the Outer Circle process (not just the meetings but engaging in the process with your Triad) is also one concrete way Membership is expressed in WCV. We always eat together, share with each other and end by celebrating the Lord’s Supper together.

>>Please RSVP to the office regarding your attendance on Oct 28 and if you need childcare.

>>Here’s more info on the Outer Circle process.

>>Here’s more info on WCV Membership.

  • Childcare provided – but you have to sign up with the office.

  • October 28, 5:30pm – 8pm (supper provided)

Together This Fall

We’re excited to be all together again this Fall.  We have a sense that as we attend to each other, our neighbours and Jesus, that God will be present to us in many special ways.  We’ve been called to worship, develop a safe community, and work to see his Kingdom of justice established.  Below are a few dates and opportunities you’ll want to make note of as we go about these amazing tasks.

  • Sept 8-10: Men’s Lake Getaway
  • Sept 10: Kid’s Church starts
  • Sept 21: Women’s Event
  • Sept 24: Upstairs Gathering reboots
  • Sept 24: Welcome Party
  • Oct 8: Celebration Service
  • Oct 15: Community Life Sunday
  • Oct 28: Outer Circle gathering

Here are a few other opportunities that will be rebooting this Fall.

  • House Groups – rebooting
  • Jr and Sr High Youth groups
  • Breathe
  • Drop-ins
  • Schools of Spiritual Direction
  • School of Mercy and Justice
  • Core Class – exploring WCV essentials
  • Triads – get together before our last Outer Circle gathering of the year

Vineyard School of Justice 2016-2017 Begins!

The Vineyard School of Justice 2016-2017 has begun! We are excited about the five students God has brought us this year: Karen Merkel-Kopp, Doreen Daniels, Eric Robertson, Dominic Mwaura, and Ray Sanford. Dominic and Ray will be with us for the fall semester as they completed the spring semester last year; the other three will be with us for the entire school year.

We are also thrilled to have Natalie Hamm and Tara Glowacki involved this year. Natalie will be serving as a leader in the school after being a leadership intern last year. And as part of her theological studies, Tara will spend some of her time as a practicum student in WCV with the school.

The Vineyard School of Justice is a unique, six month program designed to foster a passion for loving God and loving your neighbour (especially those society deems “least”). The school facilitates a unique environment where those who are street-involved and those who are not, come together, learn side by side, and encounter Jesus and his kingdom of justice.

Please pray for our school and especially our students in their journey over the next few months.

For more information:
Vineyard School of Justice
School Facebook Page
